New 2009 Package #2 owner, as of the last day of 2008. I originally was looking for the requisite mid-life crisis car, ultimately decided I wasn't there quite yet and that gas is eventually going to head north again (altho the new Jag XF is simply a beautiful car). Also, as I'm stuck in LA freeway traffic every day, a sportscar just doesn't matter around here, except for the bling factor; a Lambo going twenty mph, and a Corolla going 20 mph, well, they're both going 20 mph. So far, loving the Prius except for the standard complaint about the seat. AS I'm stuck in stop and go on the 101 every day, can't say what the mileage is so far; when I do check the meter thingie, it's frequently showing the 99.9 mpg, so I guess I'm doing a lot of silent running. Plans are to disable the reverse beep, eventually get a shark fin for the roof, add a GPS, and install leather when the cloth starts getting beat. Many thanks to this site for all the info and real-life experience with the Prius.
I've had my '09 for five days and already getting used to the beep in reverse but still freak out when the ICE shuts off at a stop light. lol.
Congrats on the new car! Bit of a shame about the seats in such a nice car. As for the fabric, could go with low cost seat covers. If/when ready to sell, just pop the covers off and likely will have new looking seats. The consumption screen on display shows average MPG.
I'm starting to get used to the seat. I've found a seat back and seat setback combo that doesn't have me squirming, so life is good. I actually like how far the steering wheel drops; on my Odyssey, it always felt like I was handling the steering wheel on a bus. If the steering column would telescope, life would be really good. Anyway, I'm still getting used to all the things beeping at me, and figuring out how to program the Smartkey. I'm also still setting the windshield wipers in motion because I reach for the stalk to shift into drive. Sigh. Overall, I'm pleased with the car. It handles like a go-kart compared to my minivan, and it comes off the line without any problem. I'm debating about whether to put leather on now, and save the fabric seats underneath, or wait until the fabric starts showing wear and tear, and then put on something. I also want a GPS, and am trying to work my way through the thousand or so units Garmin seems to offer to figure out what meets my needs.
In my first several weeks or maybe a month, I enjoyed the bare fabric seats. I thought about selling my 20 yr old toyota pickup which had soiled seats, shampooed the heck out of the seats ... what a pain!!! Then, I realized, it's for the best to start using seat covers over my Prius fabric seats. I don't get to see the Toyota fabric under there, but it's still there. And whenever I go to sell the car, just pull off the seat covers ... should be perfectly clean stock seats, increase resale value. I just put some new velour seat covers on today. Will cutout sides a bit for the airbag. They feel really nice. There's that makes Prius fit covers even for airbag seats. They are recommended by Toyota dealers by the way. Toyota dealers tell me they won't order seat covers from aftermarket companies that have airbag cutouts. Must be liability issues. Being 6ft3in, I'm glad to have skipped leather seats. Many cars have fine, fully adjustable leather seats, unfortunately this model Prius is not one of them. Yet, some folks happen to fit the seats well. Lucky.