That's a really vague question. I depends on were your are at, the time of day, who complains, whether the cops are in a bad mood, the color of the building next to you, how many birds are flying by, the alignment of the planets, etc...
It also depends on the jurisdiction, the sound proofing in your car, whether your windows are open, and the type of music you play. As a side note, I've been working on an acoustic homing missile that will eliminate the need for tickets. Tom
Lets rephrase that.... Whats the stupidest you can be before you lose your hearing???? Tickets are the least of your worries, wait till you get TINNITUS !!! If you have to, look it up. Its a bitch caused by excessive OVERLYLOUD noise!! KK6PD
lol i see... i just wanted to know if anyone knew the limit to how loud you can have your stereo before you would get a ticket if you drove next to a cop anywhere..