I'm sorry if this is in fact a double post. I have, although, done some research on how to make a 7.1 hybrid Dvd. My first attempt was bad. I copied a similar Lexus Nav DVD from a friend that I got since my original nav dvd got pwned after falling out of my car and was crushed as the door slammed. Ehh. So I got the files and burned them with Dvd decrypter at 2x on a Memorex Dvd+R Dl, popped it into the Nav system, and no bite. That was just a test build. I have now shoved my loading.kwi into that folder. May someone please help me out?
Well, yes, that was my first thought. The DVD he gave me was burned. The problem is that I am not able to have it working on my Prius. Kinda weird.
Kk, i'll try that out. If the dvd is from a torrent, is it for a specific car or can it be labeled for toyota,lexus, scion, etc as long as I add my 5.1 Prius Loading kwi file? Btw, thanks for the replies.
I recommend taking your broken one, you know the one you got your loading.kwi file off of, to your local Toyota who will be happy to assist you in the acquisition of a replacement.
There are several dozens incompatible images. Try finding exact match for Prius and even your model year. I do know that our navi computer is identical with some other Toyotas, but the MFD surely isn't. So don't waste a lot of blank DVDs instead of a proper search!
Did you make sure you were copying a 2004-5 DVD? Most all Toyotas, if not all, switched to a digital MFD in 2006, so you need a DVD from 2004-5 for your 2005. When I built one for my 06, I used Imgburn, and got several coasters on my main desktop until I figured out that it only liked *reading* from the LiteOn and *writing* to the Sony, or vvs. Anything else failed. But when I tried with the same model Sony DRU-180A in an external case on my laptop, it read and wrote just fine. Both systems were using Office Depot DVD+R DL, and the car read both fine (I only have +R DLs to play with).
Ahh, I guess that both of you are right. I'll try to get a hold of a 2005 prius Nav disk...hopefully. Oh, also, what gen is a 2005 Prius? I assume it's 4th?
To some people, it's third gen. However, anyone thinking that is delusional enough to try to tell Toyota that they're wrong ;-) The original Japan-only model (1999?-2001) was the NWH10 - First Gen It used D-cells in the traction battery The world wide "Classic" (2001-2003) was the NWH11 - STILL First Gen *according to Toyota themselves*. Some people insist this is the 2G. They're wrong. It was the 1.0 with a better traction battery (the current Prismatic cells - 38 of them). 2004-2009 are NWH20 - Second Gen (NOT third gen, no matter how some might insist Toyota is clearly mistaken in their versioning). Prismatic cells (28) in the traction battery. 2010-20?? - the 2010 will be NWH30 - http://www.toyota.com/upcoming-vehicles/index.html - notice that Toyota themselves call it the Third Gen. Odds are also high that when the PHEV model comes out in (maybe)late 2010, it will stay the same version as the "base" (non-PHEV) 2010, with maybe a minor revision point - i.e., the PHEV 2010 will probably still be NWH30, but could be NWH31, or 35...3x.
Never been responsible for a first ever upgrade/update, eh? With nothing as a basis of comparison (no competition) and a conservative approach (under promise, over deliver), they naturally chose a minor unit. Then got stuck with it. Taking advantage of the opportunity, the competition later (both Honda & Ford) decided not to use subversion numbers and to not even use criteria as strict to increment. So, it appears to consumers like they already passed the competitor (Toyota). That inconsistency is the problem. Call it what you want. It is still the 4th version. .
Finally...I burned the image just a suggested, the car, reads it, but it constantly has the "damaged disk" message, POIs don't work, and the map hangs(looks glitchy) until i press a button. Is there a fix for that? I looked it up and it looks like the DVD I'm using is the problem. One site suggests using ONLY dvd-r dl while another Verbatum only. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verbatim worked...
The files included in a torrent are typically all that is needed in burning a disc correct? I noticed someone had to add a file to the dvd, is this something that everyone needs to do or was that for a specific thing?
Guys, I need your help.. in final, did you copied any Prius navigation DVD, and did you find how to do this operation? I've created also a topic at this address: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...ope-map-update-dvd-how-copy-original-dvd.html Can you please advise me step by step how to copy this DVD?