I love my GPS (2007 Prius) but am crazed because I can't change the destination without stopping the car. I know there was a work-around for my (short-lived LEXUS RX 350), is there one anyone knows for the Prius? - Ron
I love my GPS (2007 Prius) but am crazed because I can't change the destination without stopping the car. I know there was a work-around for my (short-lived LEXUS RX 350), is there one anyone knows for the Prius?
The GPS override process was "fixed" with the '06 model. Those of us with am '04 or '05 model year vehicle have an override. On the up side, you have a hi-def screen we don't.
Two solutions that I think work on vehicles after '05: 1. Put a switch in line with the speed sensor wire. 2. Build the automatic Bluetooth / NAV sensor override circuit. I built the Bluetooth only version as I have an '05 where the Maintenance override works. I love it as I can now use the MFD dial pad for making calls while driving. (For those who want to criticize, it's saver to use the MFD than to juggle the phone)