2005 purchased jan 31 pkg 3 I made my first trip with comfortred tires last week.wind gust up to 30 mph from south west.I drove from lexington ky to port huron mich,435 miles and averaged 50.5 mpg on the way up and 48.4 on the way back.set cruse on 71. I had seen many posts on wind moving the car but with the new tires i had no problem with the wind gusts the only thing i felt was a little dip when the wind would gust.didnt move the car .I think the problem was with the orig tires. i drove like i did with other cars and didnt try to get good gas performance.total trip was 1048 miles and used 21.4 gal. i was a happy camper.
:lol: My calculations came up as follows: 435 miles one way so that would be 870 round trip. At 50.5 MPG, he would have used 8.61 gal going up, and at 48.4MPG used 8.98 gal going down. Should have used less going down, maybe he meant N and S? Anyway, that totals 17.60 gal. for a net MPG of 49.4MPG.
to many figures in front of me this am 1048 total miles 21 gal. temp was 36 in michigan and while there put on 190 miles. was part of total trip.