Hello everyone happy new year, o k here is my problem my 2001 prius is acting weird and I don't know why. When i stick the key to the ignition and i start the car everything is fine but when i turn the key back to off position and try to take the key out, the key won't come out the ignition. The only way it comes out is is when I did disconnect the negative from the small battery then go back and try getting the key out the ignition and it comes out like normal. I am not sure what this can be maybe someone had the similar problem please help
When you park the car, is the steering wheel turned so that the front wheels are pointing straight ahead - or are the wheels turned to an angle? If the latter, try parking the car so that the front wheels are straight ahead. Then turn the car off and remove the key, see if that helps. Or, try rotating the steering wheel slightly as you remove the ignition key.
Ok thanks I will try this tomorrow morning. I did try it on my dad's car he has the same car and model and his key comes out if the wheels are straight or not.
mess with the gear lever, someitmes its not fully in park and causes the key to stay in the ignition, it happens to mine. i usually shake it with my hand until the key comes out