I had the Prius for only about a month and sorry that I only have questions... In the past week or so, I noticed that the right passenger side is making a light scratching noise when I make a left turn at an intersection, whether I am braking or not, sounds like the wheel is rubbing something. I peeked into the wheel well and could not see anything. Also noted the gravel on brake pad issue, but that did not seem the case. Has anybody had this problem before? I think that I am going to jack up the car and take off the wheel to have a better look. TIA.
I have this problem when I make long right turns. Not just a quick turn on a corner but more of on a loop like the freeway entrances. I may do the same thing on my day off(Thursday)
I had this once, it was a stick stuck in the underside of the car on the outside of the turn. Have a look under the car.
Well, I popped the front wheels off today and there is nothing stick out there. For the record, the scraping noise is gone before I dropped the wheels. The plastic wheel well does seem a bit flimsy, and can amplify noise, which is not a big deal considering all the positives.