Has anyone tried replacing the incandescent turn signal bulbs with LED's, or will that not work such as in a regular car? I know it can't be done on most cars because there isn't enough watt draw to flip the signal switch. Is the turn signal on a Prius regulated electronically or old-style?
it can be done on almost any car. for example, i made my own LED taillights for my taurus SHO (almost sold) all you have to do is replace the flasher module with one that is load independent. for the prius, however, i don't know.
I looked into it, I haven't done it, nor tried to yet. But from what I can tell, it looks like you need to replace the flasher. Flasher Specifications The last one before the motorcycles I might try it in the summer....depends on where the flasher is in the car.
If they don't have the right flasher, you can always install load resistors near each LED turn signal bulb to prevent the triple speed flash rate. If you like the fast flash rate, no flasher or resistors are necessary.
Unfortunately, there is not much to gain by going to LEDs in a Prius. Consider, 1. LEDs present a lower load and therefore a reduced current draw 2. LEDs have a much longer life than a bulb 3. LEDs in a vehicle that uses incadescent flasher bulbs would require the addition of a load resistor to maintain the original flash rate Conclusion: Using LED bulbs on a Prius would give you the advantage of a nearly indefinate life, but would gain you nothing in energy savings. This, of course, assumes you cannot replace the existing flasher with one that is load independent.
there is an argument, that due to an LED's lower response time (in terms of milliseconds) over a regular incandescent, that they are safer when used as taillights/brakelights. This doesn't really apply as the prius already has LED tails, so it then boils down to one thing- aesthetics.
The response time is great. And the brightness is great - if the fixture is designed for the LEDs. Doing a retrofit typically sucks, and will leave you with less light. So the safety gains in response times are erased with lack of brightness. Fixtures need to be designed with LEDs in mind. Every year we'll see this happening with more cars.
I didn't think I would gain any appreciable energy savings from the conversion , I'm more interested in the brightness and maintenance issue. The link in post #3 was a great reference for LED's. Thanks all!
actually that also really depends. for example, the LED taillights i made for my SHO are much better and brighter than the stock bulbs- but then again, its not just a replacement LED bulb, i took the housings apart and made a pcb board with lots of superfluxes, spaced out across the whole lense.
That is neat Did you do this for looks? How much power does that use? Is it legal to modify such lights?
The LED-compatible relay is all over eBay (flashes an LED at the normal rate without tripping the "burned out bulb" rate). I put one in my Land Cruiser and it was great except it wouldn't flash the lights when the alarm was set, so I got the load equalizers. Bigger LED bulbs seem to provide enough brightness in the turn signals, but the illumination speed really only helps with the brakes. I put the LEDs in to get rid of the big yellow bulb and to match the color of my mirror signals. Pure vanity.
i mainly did it for looks so i don't really know the power draw. it is less than the 4 incandescents (2 per taillight) however. the legality is somewhat up in the air, they're technically illegal, however are brighter and safer than stock, with a faster response time(in terms of milliseconds). I passed NJ inspection with them installed.
It seems more both than worth. there is very little juice used for tail lights. Now LED head lights like lexus and mercedes have done on a few very expensive models could add up. Recently I had a LED brake light go dim on my 05 prius. It's a complete tail light assembly and cost $350 to replace. I wrote it up on this site and it's a dumb design. very complex and little gain. What were they thinking.
What Lexus and Mercedes have LED headlights? I've only seen them on concept cars and didn't think they are US DOT approved yet. I'm glad the Prius had LED brake lights - they are brighter, faster, and don't burn out. Maybe you have a bad wire or circuit board issue. Parts.com has new OEM replacement tail lights for $125.55.
I agree, type CF18-08. I looked at this wiring manual to check the pinout - it all looks correct. It does appear that this circuit is very old-school - no computer control involved and the flasher relay itself produces the ticking sound. I suppose it means it's very independent from everything else! By your left knee. It's on the instrument panel or driver-side relay/junction box, to the left of the steering column. See page 20 in that book. For a pictorial, see pictures 1 to 5 of Hobbit's power-windows hack. I hope never to have to change a fuse on that panel! It looks like it's 'accessible' without removing the dash, but it still looks like you have to stand on your head with a flashlight!
Hey Mike Now that the nice weather is here I'm looking at doing the LED's...just saw your post. Thanks for the links...they'll come in handy. Looks easy enough. With me being in Canada it'll probably be about a month before I get all the bulbs and flasher (have it shipped to my brother in-laws so I don't pay duty on it) maseace: I'm not sure about production cars having LED's, although it wouldn't surprise me...and they'd be ALOT better then the stupid xeon builbs. BUT, superbrightleds.com sells hids for headlights.