Hymotion LED flashing error (solved)

Discussion in 'Prius PHEV Plug-In Modifications' started by PeakOilGarage, Dec 27, 2008.

  1. PeakOilGarage

    PeakOilGarage Nothing less than 99.9

    Oct 3, 2008
    Pacific Northwest
    2009 Prius
    Many Hymotion plug-in battery owners have had problems with the LED flashing 13 times. There were a lot of questions as to why this happened, what it means and how to resolve it.

    This error indicates low voltage on the 12 volt battery in the Prius. The lowest value that Hymotion can accept for a successful startup is 11.6 volts. You can determine your voltage with the ScanGauge II (VLT).

    You may have noticed this behavior. It recently started happening to me with the cold weather. When you first get into your Hymotion Prius after it has been sitting for a while, you will press the Start button on your Prius, then the flashing starts and the Hymotion battery provides nothing to your system. After you drive around a while, you may stop for an errand and get out of your car for 5 minutes. When you get back in to start your Prius, the Hymotion battery is working fine.

    Here is what happened. When you first get into your car while it is off, the voltage is likely around 12.0 or 12.1 (see ScanGauge II). While the Prius is starting, this number drops dramatically while it is starting the various accessories in the car. I saw it drop to 11.0 in my Prius. If that value falls below 11.6, then Hymotion gets the error.

    However, from a warmed up Prius, this value is much higher and stronger, so if you try to start the Prius after you have been driving around for a while, the 12 volt battery doesn't drop as much during startup.

    Here is the workaround:
    If you know your Prius is cold, first turn your Hymotion switch to the OFF position. Start your Prius in normal mode. You only need to wait a few seconds until all of the accessories are on. The Voltage comes back to normal right away (2 or 3 seconds). Then switch your Hymotion ON. This avoids the danger of the Hymotion failing to make the connection.

    If you start getting the 13 flashes on the LED, the only way to stop it is to turn off the vehicle for about 3 to 5 minutes and allow it to timeout. With the car off, you will notice that the LED stays on for a few minutes. Once it goes off automaticaaly, then you can start again. If the car is still cold, try with the Hymotion switch in the OFF position. If the car is warm, you can leave it in the ON position.

    I am now in the habit of just starting my Hymotion Prius with the switch in the OFF position.

    I will post some YouTube videos of this when I get a chance.
  2. TheForce

    TheForce Stop War! Lets Rave! Make Love!

    May 30, 2005
    Wheelersburg, Ohio
    2006 Prius

    Today for some reason my battery was sitting at 11.7v so I decided to go to AAC mode and turn on my car PC. the voltage dropped to about a steady 11.3v. After waiting a minute I put the car in Ready mode with the Hymotion battery turned on. The voltage dropped to the 10.5v area and then quickly got back up to the 13-14v charging area. The Hymotion LED did its flashing.

    I then turned the car and the Hymotion battery off. It took about 3 minutes for the LED to quit flashing. I then turned on the car to Ready mode with the Hymotion battery still off, waited until everything booted up which was only a few seconds and turned on the Hymotion battery. It worked just fine all the way to work.

    So if your getting the flashes turn off the car and the Hymotion battery and wait 3 minutes for the LED to quit flashing. Then start the car and then turn on the battery.
  3. max9952001

    max9952001 Plugging In

    Aug 27, 2008
    Twin Cities, MN
    2007 Prius
    This is consistent with my flashes -they have been on particularly cold days and in some cases when the defroster was on prior to the last power down - so the car is starting with defrost on. I'll try the starting with the switch off and let you guys know if I see the flashes again - I've been getting them about once or twice a week in this winter weather.
  4. drees

    drees Senior Member

    Oct 31, 2007
    San Diego, CA
    2008 Prius
    If that's the work around, it seems like it's be pretty easy for Hymotion to design a 3 second delay in engaging the Hymotion system before trying to boot up.
  5. PeakOilGarage

    PeakOilGarage Nothing less than 99.9

    Oct 3, 2008
    Pacific Northwest
    2009 Prius
    I have also started turning off all accessories (radio, heater, headlights, etc) when I pull into the garage. If they are in the off position when I restart the vehicle, I believe there is less draw on the 12 volt battery during startup.
  6. SaucyRed

    SaucyRed BEV jockey these days

    Apr 26, 2005
    Redmond, WA
    2005 Prius
    Thanks, PeakOil. That was pretty much the conclusion I was at. It's consistent with everything I've seen for the past few months, but since I bought a scangauge to check, the problem has only reoccurred twice--and both times my wife forgot to check the voltage ahead of time. (It used to happen more often, but I talked her in to not leaving the auto-off headlights on all the time; I was more interested in avoiding the problem than confirming it). I had not posted yet because I had not been able to confirm.

    The "fix" can be a pain if you're in a hurry (it would be nice if Hymotion could give us a flash update with some sort of delay to avoid it), but the avoidance method sounds simple enough!

    Despite really wanting to, I wasn't comfortable recommending the L5 to friends with this as an open issue. But I feel good enough about this explanation and fix/avoidance solutions that I will now start badgering everybody I know with a Prius!