A group called David & David, the album was Boomtown. Released sometime in the mid '80s i think, and it came out on CD in the early '90s. I bought the tape then the CD. I still think its a good album. (i can't get away from calling them albums)
the first album I received was Nin:Broken back in 93. the oldest album I own by year recorded is probably the white album followed by Dirty deeds done dirt cheap by ac/dc
The Best of Blondie (c) 1981 but my CD looks to have been released in the UK with a second (c) 1983. This was my second copy as my first one suffered a nasty curved scratch that rendered it unplayable.
If we're talking about albums in any format, the first one I bought was David Bowie's Hunky Dory. If we're talking about the oldest music, the oldest I have is Troubadour & Trouvere Songs, with music dating back to the 12th and 13th centuries.
Looks like I switched to CDs in 1992. I have an autographed copy of "Little Earthquakes" by Tori Amos, which I got signed after a concert in 1993.