Hey everybody. I searched but didn't really find a clear answer. Those of you who have bought additional or replacement SKS keys, where do you buy them and who has the best deal?
There are many ways to get a new Smart Key. Hopefully you have at least one that works in your possession? 1) Dealer. Price evidently varies ($100-200), plus programming and 30-60 minutes labor. Check different dealers for price to purchase and program 2) Ebay. Used for $50-75. The key might be cut, but you can replace that. Make sure it is the one you really need. Open the back cover of your Smart Key and make note of the FCCid numbers. You will want one that matches exactly. You will still have to deal with your local dealer to get it programmed and get a new entry key cut. 3) Salvage dealers like www.xvipers.com and www.autobeyours.com They can get you the right part. Everything else in number 2 applies. If you only want the black label FOB, then there are ways that you can program this key yourself. I personally have not tried it, but there are several on PC who have that claim it works (no reason not to believe). You can get one of these keys on ebay for about $50. http://priuschat.com/forums/knowled...lly-how-program-non-sks-key-fob-detailed.html Best of Luck!
I agree. You can get them on Ebay, but I have never heard of anyone actually being completely successful in programing them. They can program them to start the car but not unlock the doors, and the other way around. When I lost mine, I looked everywhere and finally decided to go to the dealer. That way I was assured of getting one that was programed correctly, worked in all aspects with the car, the key was cut to fit my doors, and if it didn't I could take it back. If you want to get the cheapest deal you can, I'd go for Ebay. If you don't want to mess with it and just want one that for sure will work, go to the dealer, but shop around, some are cheaper than others. If you do go the Ebay route, do a search on here for programing the SKS, and you can try to do that yourself.
Don't buy a used silver ebay key. The chances of you getting it to work are very slim. www.parts.com has new ones for around $130 or so. The part number is 89994-47061
I lost my SKS FOB. Ordered a replacement from someone on Ebay. ($94.00 including tax and shipping) When I received it, I checked the data sticker under the cover. It had the same model number as my remaining SKS FOB. At the local Toyota dealer, the technician could only partially program this replacement FOB. ($35.00) This replacement FOB would only work to start the car when it was slid into the car’s FOB slot. None of the buttons would work. None of the smart key functions would work. I needed to use the metal key to unlock the car. I went to a different Toyota dealer in another town. ($18.00 ferry fee) They could not program the replacement SKS FOB. Their technician said the replacement FOB I had gotten had been programmed with another vehicle, therefore the smart key functions could not be programmed with a different car. ($35.00) He said I needed a “virgin” FOB that had not been programmed to any car. Neither dealer had a new FOB in stock. Went back a couple days later when the second dealer got a new FOB in stock. ($18.00 ferry fee) Bought that FOB and had it programmed. (FOB $195.00, Programming $35.00) Everything now works normally. (Price for being a cheapskate $94+35+35+18+18=$200.00) My recommendation for readers is to do a double think on buying a used FOB if you want full functions from that FOB. Also, put a tag or sticker on your current FOBs or keys with at least your telephone number.
Most auto clubs provide a lost key return service. you need to buy tags from them. Alternatively you licence number and state of issue on a small metal tag on the keys may have them come back to you if you are lucky and a finder hands them to police or even drops them in a postal service letterbox. Example, I would have B12345/SA on my tag. Licence number/state. Please not that non SKS keys can be assigned to a non SKS car easily and quickly using instructions from PC. So, non SKS, use ebay and buy black logo fobs, SKS talk to a dealer or on-line discount new parts vendor.