Hi All, I've had my Prius almost a day now. LOVE IT!!!! I wonder if anyone can answer this question for me.... I love the fact that I never need to take key out of my pocket to get in and drive the car.... Question - When I leave the car, does it automatically lock the doors after a bit? I've been manually locking them (oh no - I have to actually take the "key" out of my pocket! :mrgreen: ) and I'm wondering if I'm being redundant...? Thanks. Ron (yoda)
no, they do not automaticaly lock, however there was a thread on here about a module you can purchase. (if you do a search, you should be able to find it) The only time the doors WILL automatically lock is if you unlock the doors using the fob but then do not open any of the doors, then it will auto lock. To lock the doors however, just push the little black button on the door handle. Congratulations btw, happy driving! :wave:
No, the car does not lock automatically when you leave. The only thing you have to do is push one of the little rectangular buttons (either door handle or the rear of the hatchback) and the car is locked.
AHA! The little black button on the door handle! Thanks for the replies. Now I can leave the thing in my pocket and pretend the care is responding just to my presense.
Actually, there IS a circumstance where the doors will lock themselves. I found out by accident. I approached the car and touched the handle and the doors unlocked. I did not open the door, and a coworker approached and we started chatting. After about a minute, the car beeped and the doors relocked.
I believe the delay between a door handle touch with out a door open and the relock is 30 seconds. I also believe that can be changed in the body ecu, but I'm not so certain about that.
:idea: One more way to lock/unlock your Prius doors with the SKS system: To lock: Press the closed padlock button on your fob. To unlock: Press the open padlock button on your fob - twice if you want all doors unlocked. This works from greater distances... I have locked/unlocked from 20' to 30' away. Convenient at times. Like, from my Living Room window when I'm not sure I locked up and the Prius is in the driveway - or when I have returned from shopping with plunder in hand and forgot to lock up. Another "plus" - makes me a "gentleman" when my wife has rushed on to the Prius while I pay the bill and impatiently waits for entry - particularly helpful in inclement weather. I usually lock up by pressiing the "lock" switch on the front arm rest as I exit.
Some of us were considering ways to auto lock the car. Doubt there would be a way to ensure there's no fob around before locking. There is a passive mode function on the alarm system, where the alarm will automatically arm itself 30 seconds (adjustable) after the power is brought down and all doors closed. It doesn't lock the doors though after it arms.
why would the alarm arm but the doors not also lock? I can't think of a good reason for that. Maybe I'm just missing something, I do not know.
As is.. you can't really steal the car.. i would rather let them in and have them get confused with the alarm going off then break in and get confused and run away. Have you heard the alarm? it's loud. It's louder than any other car alarm in this area. we tested the panic buttons.
Also there are way cool ways to play with peoples heads! For example steeping back and telling someone that the car knows her masters touch. They try to open the car and can't and you step up and touch the door and it opens. Also some one suggested you could suggest voice actuated opening by standing closer and saying open just before they touch the door. Evil :mrgreen:
I do that.... "nope.. it only works for what door i'm near". lol.. i'm not lying though. It's true.. it's door sensative. lol