What's the oldest CD you own that still plays perfectly? Here's mine: - WHAM! The Final 1986 CBS Records, Made in Austria This disc was pressed 22 years ago! No sign of oxidation (laser rot). Hold the disc up to a bright light and look for little pinpricks of light shining through the disc.
I've still got the first one I bought - Wynton Marsalis' Standard Time Vol. 1. I think our family got our first CD player for Christmas of 1987, so it would have been shortly thereafter. Still plays fine. Fun topic!
My brother bought himself an all-in-one hi-fi in 1987 that had a CD player. It was one of those where you could actually see the disc spinning.First one in the house. He was 13 at the time. I bought my first CD player in 1990-91 with money my granddad left me in his will. I was 14 at the time. It's amazing how ones music taste change as you get older. I still have all the discs I bought in the 90's, but rarely,listen to them anymore. I've now discovered indie rock.:rockon: I had an Aretha Franklin disc that was pressed in 1984, but I lost it.
I was finally dragged, kicking and screaming, into the world of CDs, around 1992. My first one was the Kate Bush "This Woman's Work" boxed set. I knew I'd eventually buy them all anyway, so I got them all in one fell swoop.
if someone posts they bought the very first cd released like bruce springsteen's born in the usa or abba, this thread might be in danger of being closed ha ha ha
I think it was Stone Temple Pilots, Core. (Although, it may also have been Pantera, Vulgar Display of Power or Godflesh, Pure). As a bonus, I can tell you the first cassette I ever owned was Rush, Permanent Waves. : ) This is from Wikipedia: The first CD that was pressed in Hanover, Germany by PDO-the Polydor Pressing Operations plant, was a recording of Herbert von Karajan conducting the Alpine Symphony by Richard Strauss.[5] In August 1982 the real pressing was ready to begin in the new factory, not far from the place where Emil Berliner had produced his first gramophone record 93 years earlier. (Deutsche Grammophon, Berliner’s company, had by now become a part of PolyGram.) The first album to be actually released on CD was Billy Joel's 52nd Street, that reached the market alongside Sony's CD player CDP-101 on October 1, 1982 in Japan.
Oldest CD? I'm sure I have a box of vintage vinyl somewhere. Lest you think me a luddite, there's a new nano charging as we speak.
My 1st CD was Paul Simon, "Rhythm of the Saints." But, maybe this will count: I've been recording my parents' ancient vinyl onto CD. Some of the 33's date to the early 1950's. But, am having trouble recording their 78's from the late 1940's -- They're clean records that should play well, but lotsa static. I think I need a particular stylus especially for 78's.
I have a Blockbuster promotional CD that has the song "500 Miles" from that one-hit-wonder Scottish band. I got into the game pretty late, though. Too young/poor and not that into music at the time. Does anyone remember when CD's came in those huge plastic cases the height of two CD's? The one where the bottom half was usually hollow? Hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about.
I got into CD'S when they first hit the streets. I was the CD buyer for a small record store chain in Washington D.C., called Penguin Feather. Anyway, I have that Billy Joel CD, 52nd Street. I also have the first all digital recording, at least of a rock variety, The Nylon Curtain, also by Bill Joel. And I have the now very rare copy of Jerry Rafferty's City to City. None have died yet. But you can hear the difference in the sonic quality with discs manufactured today.
Oh, and I saved my entire CD collection onto my iTunes library, all 40,000 + songs, over 5000 CD's, so I won't have to worry about CD rot, at least I hope not.
My first was Al Stewart - Year of the Cat purchased in about 1985. It still sounds like the day I brought it home. I remember the disappointment that it didn't sound much better than the "half-speed mastered" copy I owned.
The first CD I bought was The Rolling Stones, Get yer ya ya's out. That must have been sometime around 1992 or so. Thomas
In stores they still often come in those as an anti-theft device which the clerk then takes off when she rings up your order. I think you're thinking of the late, unlamented longbox.
ya. put all my CD's on a 60 GB audio pod and 30 GB video pod... cant remember which one i bought first... probably maybe, guessing here but Eagles Greatest Hits volume 1 is one member of the collection that probably went thru at least 2 vinyls, one 8-track (not many of those, gave that up QUICKLY!!) and a couple cassettes. after that, Born to Run: Springsteen and the usual Zep stuff.
Many modern discs compress the dynamic range to make the CD sound "louder". I actually own a copy of the disc used in the demonstration; Paul McCartney, Flowers in the dirt
My oldest CD (and by that I mean originally recorded digitally and not later remastered) is "Tricycle", by Flim and the BBs, put out by Digital Music Products, Inc. in 1983. This was the first contemporary jazz group to release a CD. I was working for a college radio station playing jazz, etc. back then and a wealthy alumnus bestowed an early Sony player on us, making us (WMSE-FM) the first station in Milwaukee to use a CD player to broadcast music. It took the station a long time to build up a decent CD library, but I stumbled upon the above disk at an electronics store while looking at CD players. The store was using the disk to show off the capability of the CD players. A good sales tool, but good music, too!:music: Jim