I opened my wife's 08' glove box tonight and the owner's manual is missing ? I'm not sure how long it's been gone but it has been serviced recently at toyota for 15K routine servicing. I'm sure she didn't misplace because she has never opened it or read a single page of it. So why would a toyota dealership be in her glove box and better yet why would they take the manual out ? Even though she hasn't read it and I have another 08' with manual I certainly wouldn't want her driving it without the manual in case something happens on the road and who ever comes to help needs to reference it. So on monday I'll call the dealership who I'm sure won't know anything about it. I believe her insurance card was inside the cover of the manual so if it was lost, they'd have known who it belonged to. Anyway - has anyone ordered one from toyota and know how much it costs ? Thanks Steve
Come to think of it, they did replace the cabin air filter ????? They probably took the glove box door off or at least unhinged it to get the filter out ??? Hmmmmmmm....
Chances are they removed it from the glovebox and inadvertently misplaced it. Ask them....if they can't find it, they should get you a new one gratis.
Maybe the owner's manual is there in the slot pocket at the back of the lower glove box? Anyways, if you have to pay for it, a new owner's manual costs $15.95. You can order it through your dealer or by calling the Toyota Materials Distribution Center. See link: Toyota Parts and Service
Is it just the Manual or the complete black wallet containing all booklets,i know here in Ireland they stamp the service booklet contained within that wallet at every service so maybe the Service Dept has it!Personally i leave the the black wallet on the passenger seat when dropping it in for a service and make sure it's there and stamped before leaving.