I am new to ScanGauge II so I am just finding some of the interesting things to monitor and how the Prius behaves. I have always been aware of the warm-up phase before stealth mode is easy to drop into. But until recently, I wasn't sure exactly when that happened. Another thread mentioned 157 F water temp is the mark. So I started monitoring the water temp today. Sure enough, as soon as it reached 157 F then the Prius slipped into stealth mode easy. What makes this interesting with a Hymotion battery is what happens after reaching 157 F. I assume that once I get to 157 F and I am in stealth mode, then I am in S4. (correct me if I am wrong) Since with the Hymotion battery you can maintain EV mode for a long time (25 miles) at 32 mph or less, that gives the temp a long time to cool down. So even when the temp is 30 degrees F below the 157 F area, the Prius is still in S4 and slips into EV mode easily whenever the speed is 32 mph or less. I am just now experimenting with this to see the limits. Has anyone else noticed any tips on how Hymotion affects the typical Prius limits?
I am curious as well. Also, how high is too high? with my full block and highway miles, I've seen the temp up at 200 degrees. Typically 3 hours from my EBH starts me out around 100 degrees in the winter time here. Also, is there a published list of codes everyone is using for their xgague and what those codes monitor? Any specific to Hymotion components? What do you all do as a standard setup for the scanguage - anything besides fuel type = hybrid in the initial setup? I wasn't sure on the engine size, tank size, etc.. and then is there value in entering each fill up? I tried to mess with some of these settings at one point and ended up with very erronious mpg data, which left me to reset the device and just put in hybrid fuel type.
I think I entered 1.5 L for the engine and 12 gallons for the fuel tank. I recall that I looked up those figures at the time I first configured the SGII.
:rockon:Here in Miami, I start the car with the system (L5) on. I press the accelerator to start the gasoline engine to warm the catalytic converter up or water temp. This takes about a minute to complete. Then I drive in stealth mode for as long at the battery will last (about 25 miles). sweet. no gas. The other thing I noticed is that sometimes when I pass 34 mile per hour the Hymotion system will let me go up to 45 mile per hour in EV mode. No EV switch. Glaf8421
When the engine is warmed up, I notice that I can get 42 mph in EV mode and maintain it with cruise control for the duration that the Hymotion battery lasts. Although 42 mph is the limit and being on the edge can trigger the ICE. So my rule of thumb is to set the cruise control at 40 mph. I have not yet done a full EV test to determine my range in this mode. But I think it would be around 25 miles. The roads are too messy with snow/slush for me to do a worthwhile test right now.