I'm a happy owner of a 2006 Classic Silver Prius. I'm wondering what kind of fuel economy you're seeing. I'm driving 50 miles each way to work every day on Interstate Highway (open roads, very little traffic) and my first tank full was 39.1 MPG. I live in Cedar Rapids, IA and it's in the upper 30's, Lower 40's, so the cooler temperatures could have some impact. Is this what I should expect for highway mileage?
I usually get about 47-48mpg on the highway. I have snow tires on mine and when I'm on the highway I'm going somewhere with my wife and kids, so the car is heavy. I use the cruise control a lot on the highway. I'm getting that mileage doing about 65mph, but have found I don't get much less at 70, or more at 60. Also, I just hop in the slow lane and don't bother trying to pass and I don't mind getting passed all the time...a change from the old days when getting passed was a personal insult!
With a 50 mile commute each way, I'd expect you to be getting better gas milage than that, even when it's cold. How much of that is really highway? Do you take any short trips at lunch time, or when you are home? Probably the most important question is have you checked your tire pressure? My dealer doesn't seem to realize that the Prius tire pressures is supposed to be 36/34 and instead sets everything to 30 psi after oil changes. Underinflated tires will have a significant impact on your MPG. Many people here use the maximum 42/40 psi. I personally use 40/38.
What speed are you doing on the highway? From what I've been gleaning from this site, the guys who get the best mileage are the ones who drive at, or only slightly above the speed limit, stay in the right lane most of the time, and curb their aggressive driving style. I know that last one is going to be the most difficult for me. B) Today's supposed to be the day!
My wife is getting about 39-40 mpg (only driven the car about 250 miles). I expected a little bit better but we live on a 5 mile winding mountain road at about 1200 ft elevation and my wife's work is about a mile from the bottom. Going up hill is a killer on gas mileage for us.
OP, what are your climate control settings, and what are state of the roads (ice, rain etc) ? Beyond that, certainly check your tyre pressures. I live at 5000 ft altitude which gives me 3 or so mpg for 'free' at highway speeds, and can usually expect close to 60 mpg at 60 mph without climate control active in temperate weather. I'm guessing that in 30 - 40F weather, mpg would be around 55.
Not abnormal, new car needs breaking in, new driver needs experience, winter wait till summer it gets better, Freeway speed keep you speed down use the cruse control. Things will get better. Check your tire pressure, you might consider going up some. There is a lot of stuff to read on this board that will help you. Start with the Knowledge Base.
With a new car in the winter your not doing so bad. On the freeway with light traffic, cruise control set to 70 mph, I expect about 48 mpg when it's 60 to 70 degrees out. When it drops to 30 or 40 degrees the mileage will drop to the low 40s. My tire pressure is 42 psi. I drove 200 miles on I-84 to Portland Saturday (for the Prius Meet Group) the temprature was 45 degrees and raining. I got 42 mpg on the way down with a light headwind; on the way back I had a tailwind and got over 48. I set the cruise control for 67 or 68 mph both ways.
IMHO, terrain and A/C are big issues for MPGs. Even when I had the OEM tires, I never got 50+MPG just driving around the fairly hilly roads here. I needed a road-trip at around 55MPH to build up a big number (one-time-only 58MPG over 64 miles) then had to watch it work down to maybe 48MPG around here. The new tires made 43MPG the average for quite a while, until they wore some. Lately, even with the new tires, I've been able to average 45MPG without the road trip. Coming home from filling up the other day, I parked the car showing 61.5MPG over 6 miles, which was darn unusual. Sure didn't see that during the summer when 64 degrees (nice for January!!) was a cold day. I do have the A/C off almost all the time, and only turn on any heat when I'm desperate. Too bad A/C for cooling is required almost any day between April 15 and November 15, or I'd see if not running it then helps too...
MikePaul, There is a fellow in Georgia who outfits himself with a vest with internal circulating ice water to avoid using his AC. I'd imagine it runs of a battery, but I cannot remember Humidity is for the birds.
Let's zero in a little. In addition to keydiver's question about your highway speed, what MPG do your five-minute bars show at whatever speed that is? (e.g., bars show 45 or 50 MPG at steady 65 MPH, whatever those numbers are). In addition, what MPG do your first TWO 5-min. bars show when you start out? And what IS your tire pressure?
Yes. [the above answer might shock a few people] Let me explain. You're a new driver. Your car hasn't yet been broken in and you have yet been broken in. In other words, it will take a while for you to get accustomed to driving a Prius. Most members have reported a few thousand miles before their car "loosens up" and starts putting forth some good numbers. Also, temperature is a factor and trying to learn to drive a Prius in the 30s and 40s is tough. But I often tell people that if they can learn to drive a Prius in the winter they are going to get really good mileage once the weather warms up. So in summary, calm down and don't worry about it. I didn't take the time to read everyone's responses so it's possible that I'm repeating someone else. If that's the case, accept it as confirmation. Oh, and read Evan's document here: http://www.priuschat.com/forums/-kb-quotwh...uot-vt4980.html [edit in] p.s. Click the link in my signature and you will see how my weather affects my mileage. [/edit]
A big amen there. If you get 50 in dead winter then you have it!! Hang in there. Also look at http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=1...stages+of+prius That will give you perspective on what others have been through. Lot of truth there.
Good catch on the tire inflation. No, I haven't checked that. Yes, it is all interstate highway. It is about half a mile to the highway from my house and about a quarter of a mile off of the highway to get to work. I drive 70 MPH with the cruise control each way. With my second tank I got 40 MPG. I'm about to finish the third tank and it's averaging 40.7 MPG according to the computer. This isn't nearly the mileage I envisioned when I bought the Prius.
Cultureshift, You'll find a lot of good advice on this site that can help you improve your mpg's. Try to be open and patient, there's alot to learn about this car. I was also freaking out over my MPGs if you want to check out my thread on "poor mpg"--it's in the care, maintenance forum.
I'd make it 41/39 or 38/36 (or anything in between for tht matter). Don't have that big of a difference between the front and rear tyres.
what did your old car get? No, what did it REALLY get? And what has been your emission level in the Prius? The low emissions are an even bigger part of why the Prius is important.
I get 42mpg on a 50 mile flat road trip with the A/c on, and about 39-41 in town. I p&g and drive gently. I have 42psi in tires. I expected more. Its a 2008 pack #6. With a bad back I chose the standard rather than the stiff 16' wheel version. (I had a choice.) I am unhappy with no power un-ajustable front seats. God willing, I will wait a couple of years and find a more comfortable and fun to drive diet vehicle. :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:
Naples Florida - Temps in the 70's. '09 with 4000 miles. Current tank with 400 miles shows 53.7 MPG. 80% NON highway driving. 42 - 40 PSI Costco Fuel with Ethanol. Regards, Don