Something strange happened the other night, as I traveled to a restaurant in another town w/ headlights on (daytime). A friend called and said that he had just passed me and that my left headlamp was burned out. As I sat behind a pickup I saw the reflection in its tailgate and yep, no left headlamp - low or high beam. I thought it strange that I didn't have low or high - usually one burns out and you still have the other (with my former autos). As soon as I arrived at the restaurant, I shut down my car, the "re-booted" it. The light came on, and has worked fine since. Has anyone else had such an experience?
Assuming that you have HID headlights, the reason that you would have neither high nor low beams is that the HID bulb only has one filament. High or low beam is achieved using a mirror. If you park so that your headlight beam shines on your garage door at night and switch back & forth between high and low, you will note that the lower portion of the beam remains unchanged while the upper boundary will move up and down. It is not necessary to "reboot" the Prius. All that is required is to turn off the headlight switch, then turn back on. However this is indicative of a problem that eventually will require you to replace the bulb if you are lucky, and the electronics if you are unlucky.
Welcome to the club, see: Also, please file a complaint here: IVOQ - File a Complaint
yeah something like that happened to me the other day...that's why i'm on here looking for some possible answers
The headlight issue has worsened to a daily problem - sometimes the left, other times the right - and at other times both! Today was a both day, so I drove straight to a dealer. They're taking good care of me: They're putting me in a rental for a day. They said that the two headlight computers will be in tomorrow, and they would prefer that I not drive away in "Whitey" with the threat of unexpectedly losing my headlights. This will be a warranty repair. If I run up on any issues, I'll post and let you know
I had zero issues with getting the headlights fixed, got my car back in 28 hours - and the HID's are working again - at no cost, and a free rental to drive for a day - a 2008 Highlander. Boy, was I glad to give it back too! Got 14 mpg with mostly interstate driving! Ouch! Had to put in $12.00 to replenish the gas after having driven less that 100 miles. I couldn't stand having to move my hands away from the steering wheel to see the tach & speedo. I missed my auto A/C and my steering wheel controls - and do you know what? My vision was much less obstructed to the sides & rear and front after I got my Prius back! My daughter commented that the Prius has more rear legroom than the Highlander (she was in the middle row in the HL.) - and the thing kept shifting gears ... sheesh. Give me a Prius any day
yeah this happened with my left hid light like 10 times in 2 weeks. and it was too intermittent worth me dropping it off at the dealer, when i called toyota about it , they just reassured me that if its the bulb i have to pay for it out of pocket. now all of a sudden i am not having any problems with the left bulb. it seemed to only stay on for 45 minutes at a time and now all of a sudden its better. for what its worth i also logged a complaint about it on the ntsha site
This past Monday when I saw that both of my HID's were out, I headed to the dealership. Thankfully my work schedule is flexible enough to be able to do stuff like that. I covered my power button with my little sticky pad that I lay my BlackBerry on, so that I wouldn't forget and turn off the car when I arrived at the dealership. I had already armed my glove box with pictures of the front of my car with the left out, and another with the right out - but this particular morning with both of them out was the prime time. I pulled into the service area, left her running and immediately told the service manager to notice that both of my headlights were not burning. Then I asked him to look at the switch and see that it was on. He called a mechanic to my car, and the mechanic immediately said that he was very familiar with the problem. My advice - go armed - no room for doubting your word. When I picked up my car, my service rep with whom I had left the car wasn't there, so they'd have to mail me the paperwork. I will make sure that I get that documentation. Good luck to the rest of you who share this issue!
Maybe the gas tank of your loaner car was not full initially? BTW, I'm currently on a trip to AZ with my 2006 HiHy and have driven 1,000 miles so far. 25 mpg on the trip, based upon the trip odometer and fuel purchases. Yes, given an intermittent problem your advice is perfect. Glad that your car was repaired to your satisfaction under warranty.
Patrick, my mpg numbers were approximate, because I took possession of the Highlander with about 3/8 tank, and was expected to try to bring it back at that level - But as I was driving, I watched that gas gauge drop way faster than I'm used too, obviously