Bluetooth Voice Quality Settings

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by jkark, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. jkark

    jkark New Member

    Nov 6, 2004
    Hello all - sorry for any redundancy but I can't seem to find any posts on this topic. So I'll start a thread and hopefully we can all contribute here.

    Like many of you, I have discovered the bluetooth setting in the maintenance screens in the Prius. I've pursued these in the hopes of improving the voice quality of phone calls conducted using the Prius. The outbound (mic) side of the phone calls is pitiful at best and not a function of the phone as far as I can tell.

    I have tested numerous phones and most especially the HP6315 and the Blackberry 7100t - both of which I love and both of which work exceptionally well with the Jabra headset both inbound and outbound. WIth the Prius however, neither phone works well outbound (meaning: I speak but my caller can't hear me about 50% of the time). In addition, I've noticed that unless I initiate the call from the MFD, there is about a 5 sec lag before I can hear anything (although the call is set up normally - typicall the person on the other line is wondering what is going on).

    I have set the Rcv and Snd settings in the maintenance screen to all sorts of values but none of them seem to do anything. Currently, I think these values are gain numbers with postive meaning an increase in gain - but I have no idea.

    I've gotten the best results from Rcv 0, Snd -2 which if these are gain numbers might mean that I am making the mic less sensitive and thus keeping it from cutting on at the slightest noise? I'm guessing...

    Anyway, at these settings, my callers hear me about 80% of the time (which is infuriating but it's better than 50%) and I can hear them 99% of the time.

    I'm bringing my Prius in for routine maint soon and will ask the tech their what's up with these settings and if this is epxected performance or not.

    I'll continue to post info here as I become aware of it.
  2. dbarry

    dbarry Member

    Jul 22, 2004
    Houston Texas
    2005 Prius
    I use a Motorola V551 (Cingular) on mine, and it consistently works great.
  3. dgstan

    dgstan Member

    Dec 21, 2004
    I use a Cingular/ATT Motorola V505 (pretty much the same as V551), and I have no problems. My wife wasn't even aware I was calling through the car.

    I haven't messed with the Bluetooth settings at all. Do you know anyone with a different BT phone that you could try?

  4. mboileau

    mboileau New Member

    Feb 11, 2004
    SF Bay Area
    I had a Sony-Ericsson T616 (Cingular) which had really crappy bluetooth quality on the outgoing sound to callers. They complained that I was always cutting in and out and that it just sounded awful.

    I now have an Audiovox SMT5600 (which I love!) and the bluetooth quality is completely different. Callers can't even tell I'm in the car or on a handsfree. I haven't touched the bluetooth settings in the car at all.

    I do believe that even though these gain settings may help, ultimately you're at the mercy of the quality of your equipment.

  5. onerpm

    onerpm New Member

    Aug 10, 2004
    Other Hybrid
    I can't be of much help here, other than to say that I've had a 7100t for a few months, and have had no complaints about voice quality/cutout incoming or outgoing. I don't use it much for voice, though.

    Does the 7100T let you transfer outlook contacts into the Prius? I can't find a Send command anywhere.

  6. Brenna

    Brenna Junior Member

    Aug 24, 2004

    I am having the same problem. I have a Nokia 6820 and when talking through the car, I sound like I am underwater. I have even left myself messages and I am hard to understand.

    I have tried adjusting the settings in the maintenance menu, which helped a little but not nearly the voice quality of an earbud.

    The Cingular people don't seem to know anything about bluetooth, so they were no help. I have been thinking about buying a different phone (probably the V551 - which has gotten good reviews here - for $79.) to see if the poor quality is from the Nokia. Cingular said that if the new phone wasn't what I wanted (i.e. still crappy quality) I could return it within 30 days for a full refund.

    Please keep us posted with any solutions you find.

    Thanks Brenna
  7. V8Cobrakid

    V8Cobrakid Green Handyman

    Jun 6, 2004
    Park View, Los Angeles, CA. U.S.A
    2004 Prius
    Motorola V551 Here too.. works awesome. Sound quality is great. People can't tell i'm on a car phone. They hear me better and i can hear them better. I can even hear them typing.
  8. jkark

    jkark New Member

    Nov 6, 2004
    Thanks all for the info and replies... I think I can get my hands on an Erikson phone that has bluetooth and try that. Also there's another version of the blackberry (7100v) that uses verzion instead of tmobile and is a different device entirely.

    I love the 7100t because of the calendar/email integration with work (they both stay current 24x7 over the air) but have not been able to get the contacts to transfer over either (I couldn't figure it out anyway).

    As you might see from another post from me elsewhere on PriusChat, I MIGHT be having electrical problems in my Prius. IF that's true and a component was failing somehow, it is possible that there was all sorts of RF being emitted that interfered with things. it's a long shot because if true, I would also expect that I'd hear some of this interference on the radio and you'd think that both listening and talking would be affected on the call... anyway, just a thought. I will ask the tech and post more info if I figure anything else out, especially tests with other phones.

    thanks all
  9. jkark

    jkark New Member

    Nov 6, 2004
    OK - I've been able to test the Prius with different phone combinations. Here are the results:

    excellent means you could not tell it was a cell call, very poor means I would never use the phone under these conditions so we have a scale:

    excellent, very good, good, poor, very poor, did not work

    Through the Prius
    Device: HP6315
    inbound (rcvd) voice quality: good (tinny)
    outbound (sent) voice quality: poor (every other word lost)
    Device: Blackberry 7100t
    inbound (rcvd) voice quality: good (tinny)
    outbound (sent) voice quality: very poor (highly variable: 20-100% loss)
    Device: Sony Ericsson T610
    inbound (rcvd) voice quality: good (tinny)
    outbound (sent) voice quality: good (very slight echo)

    Through the Jabra headset
    Device: HP6315
    inbound (rcvd) voice quality: excellent
    outbound (sent) voice quality: excellent
    Device: Blackberry 7100t
    inbound (rcvd) voice quality: excellent
    outbound (sent) voice quality: excellent
    Device: Sony Ericsson T610
    inbound (rcvd) voice quality: did not test yet (but presume excellent)
    outbound (sent) voice quality: did not test yet (but presume excellent)

    - I performed all the tests in the same location with the same carrier (TMobile) at full signal strength. Phones were at full charge and I simply moved my SIM from one phone to the next and rebooted both the phone and the car each time.

    - Called my voicemail and left a standard message ("this is a test", then I counted 1-10)

    - Then I called the same person each time and asked them how the quality was (they were getting annoyed after a while so this may have affected the score :))

    - For the BT connection, I turned encryption on/off (didn't matter), and tried Snd at -2 and 0 in the maintenance menu (also did not matter).

    I cannot explain these results yet but I am curious as to how they compare to other's experience with the 6315 or 7100t. The poor performance does not seem to be due to the phone itself (since they both work with the Jabra) or the Prius (since the T610 works great). Instead it seems to be some interaction between the 7100t/6315 and the Prius.

    I will be checking with RIM to see if there is an update available for the phone's software by some chance and will post the results.
  10. Quickster

    Quickster Junior Member

    Oct 3, 2004
    Cumberland Cove - Monterey, TN
    2010 Prius
    I use an unlocked GSM Treo 650 that I have had for about two months and everyone I talk with says the quality is excellent. No complaints about being in a tunnel or sounding nasale or other phone related anomalies.

    Incidentally, if anyone uses a Palm device and wants to help me finish my QuickMPG application, as in beta testing, send me an email. The application works well, been using it myself for a couple of years but would like to move out with it and put it on my web site.
  11. jkark

    jkark New Member

    Nov 6, 2004
    To my surprise, I found that although my 7100t was pretty new, it was not running the latest version of its software! Instead, it was running 3.8 and 4.0 is available.

    To my even greater surprise, upgrading the blackberry was relatively painless (I was sure this was going to be a disaster) and even better this upgrade seemed to have fixed most of the problems I've been seeing. The BT stack was one of the things replaced in this upgrade...

    With the new software, I consistently can send about 80-90% of the words I am speaking (i.e. when I count to 10 only 1-2 digits are missed, interestingly it is usually but not always the last 1-2). By my scale above, this brings the 7100t from "very poor" to "poor" (20% loss doesn't sound like alot unless you are trying to actually have a conversation :))

    I'm starting to fiddle with the maintenance screen to see if the Rcv/Snd settings can remove the last bits of the problem. If I can get it to 95% even with a tinny sound, I'll consider that good enough. I will post results fyi when I have them.
  12. DennisL

    DennisL New Member

    Feb 26, 2005
    Los Angeles, CA

    I'm also having severe "bad audio quality" from my Prius.

    I just bought an LG PM-325 (Sprint) because it has Bluetooth. Audio quality is fine in other situations, but connected through the Bluetooth it sounds awful: both sending and receiving. My voice sounds very tinny to callers, and I have trouble understanding people talking to me.

    Reading these posts I'm tempted to switch to Cingular and get a Motorola.

    BTW, how do I get to the advanced Maintenance screens for Bluetooth?

  13. jkark

    jkark New Member

    Nov 6, 2004
    Hi there - there's a tip somewhere regarding the maintenance screen, but basically, it's just this:

    hold info button down, switch parking lights on/off three times and then the menu will appear... hold the display button down until the menu disappears (to reinit system I think).
  14. jkark

    jkark New Member

    Nov 6, 2004
    update on bluetooth voice quality debugging:

    So far, it looks like Rcv0, Snd+5 provides the best sound quality through the Prius for the Blackberry 7100t. Although disappointingly it is still not as good as the Jabra250, it is in the 90% range (meaning only one in ten words are lost on average) at these settings.

    Interestingly, I have found that I can squeeze a little higher performance from the system by turning off SKS. On a hunch, I disabled the system (which I think turns off the oscillators) and found that I had 100% accuracy for two or three tries and then 90% when it inevitably failed. This brought me to about 95%, on average.

    Finally, I'm starting to suspect that there is a silence detection algorithm or something in play here because I can always decrease performance by doing this: count 1-10, pause for silent count of 3, count 1-10 ... 2-3 digits after the pause are always missed.
  15. micromat

    micromat New Member

    Apr 4, 2005

    We have found that the outbound drops are caused by the so-called echo cancellation. The effect is at its worst when the called party speaks while you are speaking or when they are in a noisy environment.

    My wife (it's her car) badgered the dealer to do something about this or else build in a conventional car kit; at last they managed to tweak the Send and Receive settings to achieve tolerable quality. The outbound voice quality is now scratchier than before but at least the drops have all but disappeared.

    Now that I have learned where these settings are (I asked at the dealer's and they refused to tell me...) I will check them tonight and post them here.


    Purmerend -- The Netherlands
  16. ThetaSigma99

    ThetaSigma99 Junior Member

    Dec 30, 2004
    White Plains, NY
    2005 Prius
    Yes, I have just discovered this myself. When the person I am talking to is in a noisy environment, he complains that my voice keeps cutting out. I'm guessing the Prius doesn't have a duplex speakerphone, so I can't be talking at the same time as the other party is. Since the other party is in a very loud environment, it probably cuts off the sending every so often, thinking it needs to receive the noise at the other end. Well, that's my best guess anyway. I don't know if there is much that Toyota can do about it, but if anyone knows otherwise, I'd love to hear it.
  17. micromat

    micromat New Member

    Apr 4, 2005
    I checked the Bluetooth settings in my wife's Prius and they are as follows:
    Send +5
    Receive -5
    Quality 3 (not sure what this is meant to do...)

    As I said earlier. the outbound voice quality is not great, but at least it won't cut out. The inbound quality and level are OK despite the -5 setting,

    I will experiment with the settings and post my findings here.

    Purmerend - The Netherlands
  18. Stocky

    Stocky New Member

    Mar 3, 2005
    Christchurch, New Zealand
    I concur with ThetaSigma99.

    Holding a conversation with someone in a noisy environment if difficult to say the least. Noise cancellin causes the phone to repeatedly cut out. If the person moves out of the noisy environment (in my case, they moved about 10 metres) the conversation is improved significantly.

    I am using both a Nokia 6230 and an i-mate Smartphone SP3 and both seem to be similar in their bluetooth I/O quality.
  19. mtorn

    mtorn New Member

    Feb 28, 2005
    Are you able to upload your phone numbers from the V551? My phone always disconnects if I try to transfer. Does the V551 not support this?
  20. clubmedic

    clubmedic New Member

    Dec 31, 2004
    I've got the V551, and was able to upload the #'s (1 at a time, of course). Tedius, but doable.

    The only complaint I've had from people when calling from my car is that I'm too loud! So quality is great.