I'm seeing more and more Prius on the road and I'm on the road a lot with a 150 mile roundtrip daily commute. Last week I come out of a store, go to get in my car and this is my dilemma, WHICH CAR IS MINE! The hint was the Sirius antenna to the left of the main antenna. This was not the first time this happened, but it was the first time it happened when I had my camera with me. Does anyone else find this happening to them?
I've already learned my plate number by heart. Since Prii tend to park in herds, I often have the very same dilemma.
Ours is very easy to spot in parking lots: You might find some sort of bumper sticker or emblem that you really like, and slap it on that rear end... makes finding your car easier! Oh, and I, too, like to park Rudy with other Prius, as it gives them a chance to chat, while I'm off doing something else.
Is it really a dilemma? It happens to ANY mass-produced cars/trucks anyway. You can always put a bumper-sticker on yours...... Or simply push the 'unlock' button on the fob and see which Prius blinks its taillight....
Oh yes, they do like to be with friends in a parking lot! =) Just get a personalized license plate or some such personalization.
Happened to me just recently, and my car was not even parked next to the impostor. I remembered the aisle I was and headed to the white Prius parked in the second spot in. As I neared it, I started to realize that I had parked further down and it was not my Prius I was headed for. Also, in the parking lot at work, there are at least 2 and sometimes three other white Prii that park near me. Knowing my license number plus the extra antenna (for a Ham mobile rig) is sometimes the only way I can tell mine. Finally, once recently I headed for a white Prius and was noticing that the carpool sticker seemed to be coming off. I was thinking "when did that happen"? Then I realized it wasn't my car and my stickers were still firmly attached. So, yeah, I experience that dilemma regularly. I've not had to use the clicker yet to tell, but it's a good way in extreme cases...
once had FOUR SPM's all parked in a row next to each other at Costco... but mine has the personal plates AND the sharkfin so easy to spot. as of yet, have not seen another SPM with the custom antenna.
I look for my sharkfin too. No one else in this area seems to do any mods; even very few window tints.
Shortly after I got the Prius, I went to the post office. As I came out, I went to my car, but lo and behold, the door didn't open! I tried again and again, when I suddenly noticed that the car I was trying to open had tan interior where my car is grey! OOPS! I was parked three card down! Now I always look for my bumper sticker when I come out to my car.
I look for my sharkfin and tint as well. One time I ran into the store and came back out (less than 2 minutes). Since I was entering from the front (not a regular parking lot), I just went to my car and yanked on the handle. Guess what? Not my car, lol. In under 2 minutes, a MG Pri had parked RIGHT next to me... lol.
Have one of your offspring drive it into a fixed object at low speed. I guarantee a unique car tattoo that makes identification easy.
the front and rear of my car are both different from stock. my windows are also tinted so i can identify mine from the side. is that a sign that i'm a perfectionist about my car? hmm.