Today's sneak peek was posted over on CleanMPG. All 2010 Generation III Prius photos can be found here: 2010 Toyota Prius Photos - PriusChat
Very cool, makes the car a little more different. Kind of like they are adding things that you can do to a scion... (I know one option on a scion is for lighted door sills that say scion) Now what would really, really be cool is if they could make that blue thing glow blue on the hybrid emblems on the fenders and on the synergy drive emblem on the back
Following in the footsteps of Subaru isn't that ground breaking. IIRC, their on-car badge is silver stars on a blue background. On the aftermaket you can get the Subaru badge with just about any color, including pink. [Edit: I stand corrected. Just back from some errands, Of the three Subarus I found in the parking lot, two had black backgrounds on the grill badge. One had blue, and the owner said it was after-market. Jokes on me!] FWIW, the Honda Fit started out with a blue dot on the i, but appears to have dropped it, the color that is. (Hmmm, or is it the other way 'round?) Interestingly, in Europe and Japan blue is preferred to green for eco-designation. Why? Maybe for the sky and water as opposed to trees and grass. We are after all enclosed by the sky and surrounded by the oceans.
Yeah, nice, but I'm not all that happy with these latest teasers I would very much prefer to see inside details. There's a lot to see there. We could see the driving wheel to see what those lower buttons are, we could see the new radio/nav system, we could see so many things... all of them a lot more interesting than the Toyota logo...
Interesting. So the new badge is the entire oval thing. This will make it even harder to debadge (or paint over) it. I wonder what's behind it.
Was wondering the same and mumbling uncomplimentary things under my breath. What between the recent history of the badges getting bigger, and Bigger, and BIGGER, and the most likely uncoordinated colored background -- it won't go with red at all -- pretty soon you'll have to license the car as a mobile billboard. I wonder if there's one great whacking hole it sits over -- an option being a cut-out background as on other current Toyotas -- or just the three little ones as now. Glows in the dark? IMHO, trashy... on the slippery slope to perdition.
They are making it harder and harder for me to not want to trade in Priapus. I hope they know that. Oh yeah, I'm sure they do.