I don't know whats up with the shell gasoline but its far better then all other brands. I usually don't care what I burn so I will stop at the nearest station when I hit one bar. Last time it was a shell. I went from 41mpg on 76 gas to 48.8 on shell regular (the premium advantage seems to be gone now). After filling up with shell I drove home 55 miles and avg'd 51+. On all other brands I range in the 41-42 area. After driving in the city with a lot of cold starts/stops its now down to 48mpg. What could possibley be different with shell that makes it so much better for mpg?
I notice best mpg gains with shell also. it's top tier for a reason and normally cost 15 cents more. The shells around here are still in the 1.80 range..while chevron and rebel (local) is cheaper.
I also get the best MPG with Shell thats why I got a Shell credit card you earn a 5% rebate on gas purchases.. I had a BP gas card , but after learning that I got much better MPG with shell I canceled BP and went with shell only problem I have is there are not to many Shell stations around here..
Could the station be on top of a hill? I get better mileage from the service station on top of the hill.
Hi Problemchild,I have also found "Shell" is better in my van. It runs better and the milage increased 3 per gallon.
I was using nothing but Shell due to the fact that I had great mpg results in my prior vehicle (about 1.5mpg more in it).About a month or so ago, I rolled up to my usual pump and before I got out I noticed the "Contains 10% Ethanol" sticker so I immediately left and went to Chevron (non-E10). The only stations that aren't E10 her now is the Marathon, Exxon, and the Chevron. I wanted to stick with Top-Tier so I went to Chevron. Not sure how this affected mileage due to break-in and driver break-in. I managed to pull 75mpg this past weekend with average temp in the mid-40's. Can't wait till summer.
Not sure what would give you those readings, but I'd be more convinced if that or similar increase over other brands was done under some lab controlled conditions and bias was removed from the testing