And here was my post: - - - - - - - - UMMMmmmm Pancakes!!! Now I can eat twice as many pancakes - and maybe not have my stomach turn in the process. :huh: This house of pancakes, so far, is less crowded, smells less liberal, and is more colorful than that other HOP. :wub: Either way, hybrid pancakes are good! - - - - - - I just wish I had a dollar bill for Danny to place on the wall.
Hope you enjoyed the new type of syrup over there? Fred has franchising opportunities available if anyone is interested. <runs to put $2 bill on the wall of the HiHy franchise>
Um, so Danny, you realize that the description for Fred's on HiHyChat is still "anything unrelated to the Prius"? Maybe a little cutting and pasting action going on there ?