Hydrogen Road Tour in Phx

Discussion in 'Local Prius Club Main Forum' started by kabin, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. kabin

    kabin Member

    Dec 15, 2007
    Scottsdale, AZ
    2008 Prius
    Sorry for the late notice. Heard it on the radio today...


    Friday August 22, 2008
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Time: 8:00-11:00am
    Location: Gateway Community College, 108 North 40th St, Phx, AZ 85008
    Contact: Bill Sheaffer, 480-314-0360

    Local Organizer: Valley of the Sun Clean Cities
  2. jstack

    jstack New Member

    Jul 28, 2005
    Chandler Arizona
    2005 Prius
    so they proved hydrogen fuel cells are $700K more expensive than lithium electrics, have less range and you can't refuel H2 from any home like you can EVs at 120 volt sockets anyplace. Also fuel cells can't do regenerative braking or start in cold weather.

    hydrogen may have a place in a hybrid or other system but right now the best vehicles are all or part electric. Even the big 3 didn't say we can make a fuel cell car and save our company, the showed real hybrids and even pure electric and say they will be here in 2010 and affordable.

    Even with oil/gas at $1.50 or so electric is still about 80 cents for the same energy, 40 cents off peak TOD.
    Electric can be made at home with solar , wind or small hydro. Using it to run your car can pay off twice as fast or better. It can even be backup power in a power failure of your area.

    New lithium batteries are going to drop in price, charge faster and last longer each year just like computer chips did.

    With V2G Vehicle to Grid you can charge off peak 4 cetns 1 KwH and sell on peak 20-30 cents a KwH. You can could pay for itself.

    We need all the choices we can get and part battery electric improves them all like hybrid of gas, diesel, H2 , CNG, LNG or human power. Each is better and helps the other.