This has turned into a weird discussion that doesn't match with my own personal experiences at all. Aside from the Top Gear discussion, I only know one person out of all the people I've ever interacted who has specifically told me they don't like the Prius. Not surprisingly, he is a fan of Top Gear, and he considers himself a car performance enthusiast. But I always took his dislike to be more of a, "This car isn't for me." discussion than a, "I hate the Prius and people who drive it discussion." That's fine. I've never met anyone though who owns a Prius who I would consider smug. I don't consider myself smug, or better than others for choosing this ride. It's a cool car. I like it. My wife likes it. It's a good car for us, but it's not for everybody. Despite that, I thought the South Park episode about smug Prius drivers was funny. It's not hard to imagine a scenario where there would be a smug Prius driver the way they were portrayed in South Park. But South Park goes after everyone! They are equal opportunity bashers, and that's why they've been around so long. I do think that the American auto companies did not like the Prius, and they went out of their way to make their opinions known. That's not so ok. Rather than poo-pooing the Prius, they should have accepted that it was a worthwhile technology and embraced it rather than fighting tooth and nail until it was too late. I was at the LA auto show and was really surprised at the number of Hybrids the us auto mfr.'s were displaying. Too bad we taxpayers now have to bail them out for their poor business operating skills. (And no, it's not just because they poo-pooed hybrid technology.) I do have to admit that I find Mr. Incredible's posts troll-ish only because his perceptions to not align with my experiences. I don't know though, maybe he travels in different circles than I do. In fact, I'm sure he does.
What? If that's supposed to be an Age of Aquarius, "Peace, Love, and Understanding" thing, it ain't even close. Man, you gotta have love in your heart for all God's chil'ren in the Family of Humankind. Lemme think... "'Drive what you love and love what you drive...' "Far out man, I know where you're coming from... "But, you know, if somebody drives and loves something different... "You gotta dig that too."
Just our Christmas pinata, machochistic troll: Son, you're just another internet sociopath, mostly harmless. Fun for a while but ultimately a waste of time. Well now to test the 'ignore' list, a useful function under "User CP." NOTE: This really is an excellent feature. The thread now makes a lot more sense and is actually on topic. Bob Wilson
Ignore away, Bob. But you and everyone like you who has cast me as a troll have been guilty of exactly what you are blaming me for. I gave a simple answer to a simple question, but ever since it is not I who have been the abuser or jerk. It is irrelevant what you think of me, but you have modified what others may think of you. Don't blame me, simply look in a nearby mirror. You have only proven my original point. For that I can only say, "Thanks."
This has all been highly entertaining for me!I think I am with you Mr. Incredible on this one. The way I read it was that you stated that some, not all Prius drivers may be smug. If people can't see it by their posts, then I don't know what else can be said! Your point has been proven numerous times by some very smart people that just aren't getting it!
Not really but I choose subjects based upon my interests. One of my favorite subjects are hybrid skeptics, like "Top Gear" and other news sources. But in this case, we had a troll's distraction that provides no value, just noise. Not all noise has value, for example, notice the hearing protectors: The goal is hitting the target, not ringing ears. This is the first time I've felt the need to use the "User CP", "ignore user" function in PriusChat. In the past, such treads were sent to "Fred's House of Pancakes." Given our troll's insistence on attacking hybrid owners and drivers, I'm amazed the thread has remained here. Regardless, I've used a similar function at to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. The problems of "Top Gear" are to a greater or lessor extent the same problems of most automotive publications. With only two exceptions, the Australian based and Consumer Reports, the rest of what passes for automotive news have become appendages of the major car manufacturers. Traditional automotive press, including "Top Gear," are dependent upon advertising income and the feed of 'test cars.' They are not about to 'bite the hand that feeds them' even when it doesn't make sense. One thing I like about "Top Gear" is when they decide to 'build their own.' Their custom projects are hilarious and great entertainment, a mix of "Junkyard Wars," "Mad Max," and "Gilligan's Islands." But the "Top Gear" anti-Prius bias is more than a little obvious and illustrates a problem with automotive news. I understand why "Top Gear" is rubbish about the Prius but I've never understood sociopaths like our latest troll. This troll is just a SPAMer selling another brand of nonsense. Since they can not correct their behavior, we are left with no choice but to isolate them using the "user CP" option to "ignore user." I'm for whatever works and makes everyone happy. Bob Wilson
I'm calling bullshit on this. You have been an abuser and jerk from the start. You went after the community in your first post on this thread, then tried to claim you had not ("many of the Prius owners are insufferable egotistic Prius snobs"). And you continue which makes you a liar as well. And since you are hiding from the clear intent of your words, let's throw in coward, because you don'lt even have the guts to admit what you are saying. Your point is circular logic. If folks don't agree with you that is your "confirmation." Strange company you choose to keep. Don't expect anything useful to come from him.
The best way to handle Prius haters is to be built like a bald 800 lb gorilla. Or, imagine a big biker but without any tatoos. I've only had a few incidents, but it's always fun for me to get out of my Prius, and the little s*** behind the wheel of the offending SUV or pickup suddenly turns white. A lot of those assholes must assume Prius drivers are small, effeminate men Usually, 2-3 thumps tends to "tune" them up So I *highly* recommend being built like an 800 lb gorilla Note: I can drive the same exact way (Same speeds, etc) in my FJ, and never have any weird reaction from the driving public. But even a glaring yellow FJ isn't immune from retard drivers who pull out in front of you If I ever do cream somebody who pulls out in front of me, I can hear the claim from the driver right now, assuming the driver survives being t-boned by a 4,600 lb SUV "But officer, I never saw the FJ before I pulled out" "Sir, it's bright yellow, and the headlights were on" "I never saw it!" Oy
The original question on this thread is rather stupid .... 'Why do people hate the Prius?' How are we owner's supposed to know that? Go find an anti-Prius forum to get this question answered.
And thinking back on my purchase, I wouldn't have done bad with the new Matrix S, loaded either, in saving about $6k, getting more horsepower and a little better ergonomics. But, I bought a Prius and I'll tell you why I like it a lot - it's the Hybrid Synergy Drive. I wanted practical, obtainable electric drive in my car, and I got it. That and it's a nice little car to drive around. I drove it up a mountainous road to drop off a gift at a toy drive and motorcycle ride (my bike wouldn't start due to cold). Comments I heard about Prius were - I like those. The webmaster of said 'I drove one of those and really liked it'. This coming from an expert rider who can wheelie his own GSX-R1000 all day long.
There is an old joke that you should not personify inanimate objects, they resent it. Upon learning a Bishop had burned his books an author remarked, 'No doubt in frustration that he couldn't burn me.' That pretty well sums up the hate. It isn't the object but loathing for the owners and examples are easy to find. Science and engineering, the natural world, works rationally. Sure there are charlatans like "Top Gear" who will play tricks but is easy enough to punch holes in their nonsense. Bob Wilson
Ultimate thread revival! Whether positive or negative, almost every single person has an opinion about the Prius. I can't think of another car that you can say the same about. That's why I love owning and driving this car.