Hi everyone. My name is Mark and I'm a new Prius owner. Yesterday I took my first road trip and will be taking another today. I am in outside sales and drive about 30k mi per year. I going to search the forums now --seats/comfort --how to change touch screen settings while moving --how to load contacts from my cell to the Prius. I look forward to getting to know you all. Mark
This is a great website, Mark. You should find the answers to all your questions and if you can't find them, just ask. The people on this site are extremely helpful.
eel, my display average is usually far off after just filling up. Are you seeing 31.2 MPG average on your MFD? Maybe try filling up, then reset the display average. As a suggestion, when you fill up, do not stuff the nozzle far into the fuel inlet. Look on your gas pump at the diagram of how to position the nozzle. I was a little freaked out first time filling up, stuffing the nozzle far in. The handle kept clicking off. I thought the pump was out of gas. For years I had stuffed the nozzle far into my 1988 Toyo pickup. Just needed to learn how to fuel the Prius the right way, and it's no hassle.