Unbelievable what some people will do... What could this person have been thinking? Close Call with a Train - ClipUpload.com
Ah, so I wasn't the only one who noticed that. I remember the train video from a couple of months ago. Re:What was the person thinking? The person wasn't thinking.
I can just see the posting on this: " I was just minding my own business and this speeding train came out of nowhere... And it wouldn't turn away or anything... "Like, how was I supposed to know those metal thingys are for a train? "Just who do those train drivers think they are? "And who's going to pay to clean these dark stains in my upholstery... "
I got a cab ride once from an Amtrak crew. The conductor commented: "there must be something about two long strips of steel, it seems to create this magnetic field of stupidity."
I knew a kid in high school that would lay down between the rails and let the freight train run over him.
past tense because he's no longer alive? also- this vid will probably give fodder to some dumb "prius drivers are stupid" troll on some other forum