Thanks Danny, we'll be waiting eagerly [Edited January 3rd] So is this going to be the next Prius Team teaser and we'll just have to wait for Monday?
2010 Colors with photos now available here on PriusChat:
Click the LINK to the full size images in the album...the little images themselves only bring up more little images.
Wow, I expected to see a lot more discussion once Danny posted the 2010 colors. I'm a bit disappointed that they are discontinuing the Magnetic Grey, as that was my favorite color by far on the current model Prius. After some Google image searches, I see that the Blue Ribbon Metallic is on the curent line of Camry's and looks much better in the actual photos than the preview pic. The Sandy Beach Metallic is on the current line of Highlanders. Blizzard Pearl is on the current line of RAV4's - which I'm very familiar with after doing extensive research before buying my 2007 RAV4 (Flint Mica) in Aug07. Winter Grey Metallic must be a new color because I'm not coming up with anything on my searches. I'm very interested to see how it differs from the Silver Metallic. This is my first post on this forum and I'm looking to buy my first hybrid this Summer/Fall. Can't wait! ...John
I'm also interested in what winter gray looks like, compared to magnetic gray it's replacing. Anybody know?
I was kinda hoping for a deep Malachite green..... but even the red which I know looks good, does not look good in that color template. So I guess until we see them in person, it will be hard to tell. Whether or not they put meta flake in the paint has allot to do with their final effect in the lights.
I think most people are afraid to open this thread due to pic windstrings posted. Maybe once it gets to page 4 . . . . Cheers, Dave
To me it looks a bit too light; I thought since seeing the new colors it was classic silver. Or at least I hope it is the silver as it looks no where as dark as the current magnetic grey. I was glad to see they dopped white and went with a pearl white. I changed my order from black to the pearl white after seeing more pics of the color on the net and going to my dealer and seeing it in person on an avalon... I have black now so it was a welcome change actually