I thought I knew most normal operations and was aware of all the beeps and tones but Priapus has introduced a new one just this week. Two times now, when I powered down, he beeped. No lights, no indication, nothing but a beep. Just the standard in-cabin beep; not the high-pitched MFD beep. There are no special conditions. Last night, for example, I stopped at a store. Level parking lot. I pressed [P] as usual and then (POWER). He beeped and shut down. The other time he did this was in my driveway. And I shouldn't need to tell you how many thousands of times I've shut down in my driveway over the last four years without incident. What are everyone's thoughts?
I think I recall someone mentioning that it beeped as an indication that the 12-volt battery was getting weak. You might check that, just in case.
Hi Tony, I suggest you replace your fob battery, if your 12V auxiliary battery is OK. In general it seems that 90% of Prius problems can be attributed to one weak battery or the other.
Are you sure, Patrick? I think its only 89% of Prius problems. The other 11% are due to sticky throttle plates or low tire pressure.
I had a similar beep when turning the power off. It turned out that the maintenance period that I set had been reached. Check out your maintenance screen to be sure this is not the case.
OK, here are my more detailed guestimates: Dead or low 12V auxiliary battery: 75% Dead or low fob battery: 5% Running out of gas: 5% Insufficient tire pressure: 5% Sticky throttle plate: 3% (less of an issue for 2G vs. Classic) Dead or intermittent MFD: 2% Miscellaneous/Other: 5%