I went with the family apple and strawberry picking and saw a couple of suburbans with "Hydrocarbon powered eco-vehicle" stickers. I thought maybe it was the usual E85 fuel-flex non-sense but I could not find such badging in these cars. Just for kicks I did a google search for "Hydrocarbon powered eco-vehicle" and what came out astounded me. The sticker is meant to represent being proud of using a gas guzzler!! This is a movement apparently started by Glenn Beck. I knew he was an idiot pundit just like O'Reilly but I think this even surpasses it. Check out the sticker, Glenn Beck's "musings" on the issue and their store below the fold. Please put your outrage filters on... What a complete idiot. http://www.glennbeck.com/news/07232007c.shtml http://www.glennbeck.com/news/07312007d.shtml
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alric @ Sep 10 2007, 07:07 AM) [snapback]510016[/snapback]</div> I really don't think this is some big conspiracy.... IMHO these stickers are meant as a parody on vehicles like the Prius and I really wouldn't take this to serious.
Looks like it's time for some enterprising person to start selling stickers of an image of a brown/polluted Earth with a superimposed dead plant, sized to perfectly cover the subject sticker's Earth . . . much like the wood screw sticker for placing over the 'heart' in the "I 'heart' my dog/cat/horse/grandchild/etc" bumper stickers. :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Nov 7 2007, 07:31 PM) [snapback]536490[/snapback]</div> Whoever came up with that one should get a Nobel prize of some sort.
Would it be out of place to point out that the sticker would be totally appropriate on the Prius as well? Indeed, all of us here are driving hydrocarbon-powered vehicles, so I'm not really sure where the (external) outrage is? We're ALL idiots. Just ask your kids.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(darelldd @ Nov 8 2007, 01:59 PM) [snapback]536568[/snapback]</div> Yep, my 14, nearly 15 year old thinks I am an idiot for getting a Prius, he thinks I should have got a twin turbo Supra. You're right, if you can't do it all why not just do nothing?
I came across this from a Subaru forum. But, I applaud the ingeniuty of the sticker, it obviously makes a statement that most people won't get and at a minimum will have a lot thinking about the meaning. Really in all reality the hybrids in stock form are not doing anything impressive mileage wise compared to small diesels and many other small cars. As far as green, I know because I worked at a Toyota dealership, they are far from it. There was definitely many steps and procedures that had to be followed in disposing of the main hybrid battery (because they really are that bad for the environment). Plus, very few people take into account what actually goes into producing that battery and all the pollution that is emitted from that. Really pound for pound it is hard to beat the amount of work that can be generated from HC's. It's important to be conscious of the environment, but do it in that regard and not for the sake of global warming it's a fad like global cooling of the 70s. I don't think we've been measuring global warming and cooling patterns and trends long enough to make that judgement, especially given the calculated age of the earth. At this point technology is not far enough advanced to make any good, clean, and viable replacement to the gas engine. Even supposed clean vehicles find their roots in HC's. What did it take to produce that car? Which brings me to the point, that the sticker is meant as a joke. It brings to attention many claimed "environmentalists" views of looking only at the small picture or the end product; ignoring what actually went into the making of the product.
The ad-blurb makes it clear that the sticker is meant to be a joke: "Have you ever driven by a hippie, environmental protest and had your beautiful gas guzzling SUV keyed? "Now you can protect your car by making it appear environmentally friendly with the Glenn Beck Hydro-Carbon Powered Eco-Vehicle bumper sticker. Look like a friend of the Earth while killing it at the same time! "Hydro Carbon just means oil, but with our clever recycle-shape inspired design, environmentalists and global warming zombies alike will take one look and think you’re on their side. Only we’ll know the truth behind it you evil conservative hate monger!" So, as your Prius really is a Hydro-Carbon Powered Eco-Vehicle, why not display the sticker and and turn the joke on its head? Well, I guess there would still be the bothersome matter of possibly being mistaken for an "evil conservative hate monger"... I guess no worse than being mistaken for a Starbucks drinking, tree hugging "global warming zombie."
You are about 3 years late to the bash the hybrids on the grounds of its toxicity/energy use party. It was proven complete rubbish about 2.99 years ago. The Prius uses about 1/2 the energy/hydrocarbons over its life cycle relative to a standard mid-sized vehicle according to anyone who is not an automotive industry shill or shock jock. You are also very late to the global warming/climate change doubters party. Most everyone else has gone home already. Yawn. Rob
Eco-vehicle. That's so cutesy. My take on it is, if you aren't willing to say it in plain English, then don't say it at all. Something along the lines of "gas guzzler and proud of it". Then people would know where you stand. Feeling the need to do anything along those lines suggests a pretty high level of defensiveness. Using this oh-so-coyly sneering slogan just says you're both defensive and chicken about your poor choice of vehicle.
Before I start, let me say that I like the Prius. I've rented a number of them on business trips. But I wouldn't buy one for my personal vehicle (too small)... That being said... I have one of these stickers on my F-150... and I am also a big Glenn Beck fan :rockon:
ad8bc, Welcome to PriusChat. A full sized pick up can be a very useful vehicle. If Toyota made a hybrid pick up would you be interested? Be careful out there...
I might be. The Tundra was a really nice truck, although I have heard of a few maintenance items that became serious a few years into ownership. I do like the idea of hybrids, but I would really need some V-8 power when it comes to the times I tow or haul stuff, which I do on occasion for charity and disaster relief. I don't buy vehicles often, and when I do they are usually a couple of years old (I don't like the idea of going into debt for vehicles so I try to save up and pay outright). And then I drive them and drive them until they drive no more or cost too much to keep. The F-150 I really like, it's a supercab so I have plenty of room for people if I need it, and lots of room in the back under a Leer cap. And it's paid for so when gas was really high it really didn't hurt too bad. Trailer hitch came in real handy when we moved from Michigan to Texas in 2007. My wife, who does home health care, drives a Focus. She has put nearly 30,000 miles on it since we bought it in February (but she gets paid a decent amount for mileage which has already paid for the car). I wouldn't mind getting her a Prius but the demand being what it was when gas prices were high, I couldn't find one that was really cost-effective to purchase. Anyway, I rent a lot of cars because I travel frequently. I like renting Priuses, they are a neat zippy little car and the engineer in me likes watching the graphic display unit on the dash. I do have a couple of gripes with Toyotas, mainly the wimpy little beep when the doors lock and the dashboard styling (makes it hard to replace the factory stereo and also very few places to mount ham radio equipment). Speaking of that, check out this Prius at aprs.org/APRS-SPHEV.html, with solar charging added, extra batteries, and even outlets on the back that provide 220 volts DC to power ham radio equipment (aprs.org/FD-Prius-Power.html)(most switching power supplies work well on DC) You'll need to copy out the above hyperlinks, I am too new on the forum to post links directly.
Glenn Beck - the only human being who ever found himself too stupid for CNN. (He subsequently moved down to Fox News)
It's hilarious how liberals have no sense of humor. I own one of those Hydrocarbon Fueled stickers and have it on my Suburban. I get the thumbs up from those in Smart Cars, etc. who think I've altered my vehicle somehow. Beck's whole point in doing that sticker campaign was to show how people's views are so dictated by what the project to others. I appreciate those who believe they are saving the planet with their vehicles, but I also have the right to drive what I want, even though it might off-set whatever you think you are doing. It's a little out of hand today, when you go to the movies and they have a recycle can for 3D glasses that says, "Save the Planet, deposit your glasses here." I proudly wear my shirt that says, "Stop Global Whining." LOL
You might want to look at joining "Freds House of Politics" (instructions are in "Freds House of Pancakes.") We recently lost our right wing nut and that could be an excellent place to share your opinion with the Liberals. Bob Wilson