I see that NAV upgrade version 7.1 appeared in November 2007. Is it reasonable to anticipate the next version in Nov of this year? Thanks
Toyota generally releases the updated Nav DVD annually around that timeframe, so I see no reason why this year should be any different. Nothing official has been announced, AFAIK.
Ver 08.1 is available, I received mine (Gen4) today (eBay - actual Toyota part, not a copy). Finally, my 3 year old house is listed ;-) My previous version was 4.2, it was time to update.
So how do the new maps compare on the old screen? Any icons or menu design that changed or is everything identical except for more roads? Also, we can expect a new MFD too along with the new nav version.
The auto-disappearing disclaimer was introduced in 7.1, but other than that there's no interface changes. The 2009 MFD is identical to previous years as well. The 2010 Gen 3 will be the first chance for a revised MFD.
2006-2009 is the high res screen. 2001-2005 is another generation. The one before 2001 is.... pretty poor.
where can you find which edition of the nav system is in your Prius (other than actually hauling out the disks from under the seat)? thanks!
Yes, Im trying to find a generation 5 8.1 torrent. I have a 2008 prius and I assume I need gen 5 correct? I have found links to gen 3 8.1 torrents.
Terms of Service - PriusChat The NAV disk is copyright by Toyota and it's data suppliers, so there's no legal way to get it other than by buying it.
I have an 07 and want to update the Nav to 8.1. Does anyone have a good source to buy it. My local dealer can get it for $275.00.
I can't stand idly by with the post about copyright. I fully understand the reasoning. I understand copyright laws so no one go explaining it to me. The problem is the cost vs. quality of the navigation update DVD. I had not choice but purchase a 2008 Package 6 if I wanted a car anytime soon back in May. I like the idea of an integrated navigation system. In my Constitutional opinion the only GPS I've used any worse than the Prius OEM navigation system was the first release Dash Express back in the Spring. You can get a pretty decent stand alone GPS for the price of the Toyota 8.1 DVD. And yes, no one had a gun to my head to buy the Prius in the first place, much less with the Package 6. But I would have expected a navigation package to perform better than the Toyota / Denso system. I've used Magellan Roadmates back to 2004. I ridden with people using Nuvi's and TomTom's. I had for a short time a Dash Express prior to buying the Prius. I know what a good GPS is. The Toyota GPS works very well some of the time. But........ a couple of months ago the toyota GPS took me all over northern Alabama trying to get from North Georgia to Tupelo, MS. Very poor performance. If I could have found a Best Buy or something I would have bought a Nuvi or TomTom. I was disgusted. I guess a company that makes spark plugs and oil filters should not be expected to be able to write complex routing algorithms. Having said that, I can't really come down too hard on someone wanting to get around the ridiculous price just to try to have a mediocre GPS with a $28,000 car wrapped around it. This is not like buying a $300 portable GPS and not liking it. You can take it back or throw it away and try another one. You can't just do that with a car that happens to have a less than stellar GPS factory installed. Don't knock or scold someone for just wanting justice.
The issue, however, is that PriusChat.com can't allow such trading here because they could get hauled into court over it. Hence the rules against discussing copyright violations. The cheapest place to get the NAV DVD would probably be eBay. You'll have to use your own judgment as to the authenticity of some of the DVDs being sold.
FYI: I wasn't the one looking for a torrent download nor was I condoning obtaining an illegal image of the DVD to burn. It just triggered my "bitch button" to think that Toyota would charge $$$'s to provide you with some more of the same navigation capability. This is just like Dodge charging me $75.00 to blow some updated firmware into a 1998 RAM to correct a timing advance/retard curve flaw in the original firmware. The vehicle spark knocked and they knew it needed the updated firmware. Why not get some money for their inept engineering? Wonder why we're (taxpayers) are having to bail out the US auto industry? Having said that, I would not recommend to anyone making an illegal nav. DVD. I do however think manufacturers should be held accountable for their shortcomings. People just exact their vengeance in different ways. It is a shame that the best auto mfg. (personal opinion) in the world cannot find a GPS vendor that will work in comparable performance to Garmin, Magellan, TomTom. Enough said.
Considering purchasing off eBay so wanted to confirm my 2006 Prius would take 8.1Generation 5 (86271-53023, U33, PT219-GEN-0508)? Thanks [FONT="][/FONT]
vijay...yes, you need generation 5. i have a 2006 prius with nav and that's what i used to upgrade. the maps are better and you don't have to push "i agree" anymore.
I was given a new nav disc (8.1 I think) for my 2006 Prius. Problem is that my car hates it. I can not for the life of me get it to recognize the disc! I read about pulling the "radio one fuse" and I pulled a fuse under the steering wheel that I thought was referred to in another thread. I also pulled the "dome" fuse under the hood.... which reset my odometer, but not the nav or radio Help! I am so frustrated! I bought Goldie a really pampering car wash hoping that would induce cooperation, but it didn't work.... Any assistance would be great Thank you!
Hi Libra, Normally, you only need to insert the DVD and it will update automatically. There should be no need for pulling any fuses or anything of the nature. Two questions for you - Are you sure it is an authentic DVD and not a copy? It is very possible a copy will not work if it is not produced in a very specific way (though I have never tried) Are you sure it is a 5th Gen DVD and not an earlier edition? The 2006 will ONLY accept a 5th Gen disc, which if I have not mistaken, the part number on the disc should be 86271-53023. Hope that helps...