It was icy, a down slope and my prius slid a long ways before it hit the truck stopped in front of me. It appears that it is still perfectly drivable but the right of the hood is crumpled a fair bit and the bumper and right fender are slightly damaged. I'm just glad the airbags didn't deploy. No damage to the truck at all of course. I'll get a repair estimate on the 17th. $500 deductible poof. Anybody have anything to share that I should be aware of as I proceed to drive it this way for the next month. The earliest it can be repaired is mid-January. Thanks
Make sure none of the coolant hoses are kinked. Many an inverter and MG2 has been cooked by damaged coolant hoses.
It turns out the high pressure AC line took some damage but didn't bust. All the coolant lines are fine. I had my repair estimate done today. It will be well over $3K to fix and they can't start until January 26th!!! Luckily my wife has been gracious by not teasing me too much. Here are two pics:
You're sure it won't be another slid incident? Why not waiting for the winter to end before getting it fix-up?
Glad that you are unhurt. How are your tires? Hope they are winter tires. If your tread depth is less than 8/32" maybe you should think about getting new ones.
Well in Victoria we almost always stay above zero C throughout the winter so by Jan 26th, most of the sliding around risk will be past us. Heck it might be plus 5 most of the next few months, with a little luck.
My tires are only all seasons but they have lots of tread depth. I would buy winter tires is I lived anywhere else in Canada.