GROM/DICE unit compatibility

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by tundrwd, Dec 5, 2008.

  1. tundrwd

    tundrwd Member

    Jul 13, 2008
    "South Central" KS
    2009 Prius
    I've looked over the GROM unit for either Ipod or USB. Looks a bit more like what I'd like over a DICE unit.

    I have an '09 Prius, package #2.

    My question is this - these units appear to require an external CD changer port to attach to. While I know my car does NOT have an external CD changer, I DON'T know if the port (capability) is there or not. Reading the threads doesn't seem to be conclusive as to whether these type(s) of units are compatible with package #2 or not.

    I've asked the GROM guys, and they "think it should" work. I want to know it will work before ordering and bothering with a dash teardown.

    So, can anyone give me a YES IT WILL WORK with the GROM unit? Or the DICE unit for an '09 with package #2?
  2. smokeGTI

    smokeGTI Member

    Nov 6, 2008
    Hong Kong China
    2009 Prius

    There's a CD changer plug at the back of your stereo, even with
    basic model.

    And YES! Grom-USB is working fine with my Prius.(Basic single CD player)
  3. tundrwd

    tundrwd Member

    Jul 13, 2008
    "South Central" KS
    2009 Prius
    I ordered a GROM Ipod unit late last week, should be in later this week. Will let everyone know how it works.
  4. tundrwd

    tundrwd Member

    Jul 13, 2008
    "South Central" KS
    2009 Prius
    Ok - got it installed yesterday. I order the GROM-1-TOY (which won't charge the iPhone 3G, etc, but works fine with Classic, etc.):

    In Dash PC - Toyota Lexus Scion iPod adapter (direct digital interface)

    First - it was tough to find the step-by-steps referred to here on the board. At some time in the past, things got re-organized, and the links from older posts simply don't work. Finally found some nice instructions on getting the glove compartment off, etc. Get them - you'll need them, since the GROM-supplied instructions are nearly worthless for installation.

    Installed in an '09, Package #2.

    Well, first off, you need to devote some time to this project. I'm certainly not a newbee working on cars, putting in stereos, etc., but there is one big stumbling block in getting this (or a DICE, etc.) in the car. It took me a bit over an hour to get it complete (GROM and others say about 15 minutes).

    Getting the glovebox and vent off were a snap (both figuratively and literally). That took all of 3-4 minutes.

    Next was the wiring block. Screw came out decently enough, then the trouble started. You need to move the wiring block out of the way, and that simply won't happen. After gingerly trying to maneuver it around for about 15-20 minutes, I finally decided it simply wasn't going to move until I had clipped the wire tie that "fuses" the wiring block and wiring harness together. I tried to move it without doing this (I found 3 different sets of instructions - no one mentioned this) - but it simply won't happen in an '09. Don't know if this was added in '09 models, but it was certainly a problem.

    Once I clipped the wire tie, it moved fairly easily, but you need to be REAL careful you don't mess with the block too much. The wires can come out fairly easily. The wiring block is basically like a POTS punch-down wiring block.

    Found the CD changer port as described in the help guides, now on to attaching the cable.

    Ok, now to maneuver supplied cable around. This thing is a pain. It's stiff, and has a female "plug-through" connector on it (not used). Finally got it in. There ain't much room back there (I've got big hands - wear XLG gloves). But it finally snapped in.

    Now to test it with my iPod Classic 80GB. Hooked up, took 3-4 power cycles before the GROM was recognized and would work. But work it did. Sounds great.

    Drilled hole in back of CD tray, to put the iPOD->DIN cable through. Had to whittle down the DIN side some, as it was about 5/8" diameter, and I didn't want a huge hole back there. I drilled a 7/16" hole, shaved down the DIN connector with my pocket knife, and ran it through the back of the CD compartment.

    Ok - time to button it up. Run cables OVER wiring block, over to glove box. Now time to put wiring block back on. Again - a royal pain. The attachment point at the top (where the screw goes) is a tubular piece. It was difficult to get the thing "stabbed" in the correct angle, etc. to get it screwed back in. Finally got that back in, popped on the vent, and put the glovebox back on. I left the GROM in the glovebox, as it's more accessible, if I ever need to warranty it, etc. Honestly, though, I'm not sure there's many other locations for it - with the size of the housing, it can't go into most of the places you'll see DICE units mounted. Don't know if it's just bigger, or if there's some slight differences in the dash of the '09 models - but it wont' attach between the radio and wiring block, or between the wiring block and the glovebox. It would probably mount with some double-sided tape to the inside of the lower dash panel (where the cig lighter is), but I didn't take it down that far.

    Now - made the playlists (as per instructions) for my iPod, then sync'ed. I am currently using my old 2G nano, and just keep it in the CD tray all the time (ok, it's only been a day, but that's where I intend to keep it). Out of sight, etc. Charges the iPod (note there's a newer model of GROM that will charge iPhone 3G, and Touch).

    Sound is MUCH better with this interface, than through the AUX connector. No static, or ignition whine, etc. Sound is great.

    Downside - the Package #2 only supports a 6CD changer, so you can only have 5 playlists (the first one allows using the iPod interface, the other 5 are all controlled through the radio or steering wheel controls). Also - no text display that I've found - so all you get is "Disc 1, Track 1" type display. It will allow more than 99 tracks in a playlist - but you can only skip FORWARD. If you are at track #1, and skip backward, you are in nana-land, and will need to power cycle the vehicle to get back to track 1.

    Ok, so all of this took just over an hour. I'd say about 35-40 minutes were spent fiddling with the wiring block (taking it out and putting it in). I also spent time going back and forth from my garage to my shop to get a different tool, etc. Probably spent roughly 10 minutes with this kind of stuff.

    So, in short:

    • Takes longer than instructions indicate
    • Works in an '09 Package #2
    • Once installed, and iPod set up per instructions - works from radio controls or steering wheel controls just fine.
    I'm sure someone may want to know - why not spend $10 more, and get the better unit?

    Well, I've got 3 ipods, one of which is an old 2G mini. When the 4GB hard drive dies in it, I'll just pop in a 32GB (or 64GB CF card, and use that. Since my intent is to leave the thing in the vehicle all the time, I don't really want to have an expensive unit in there. And other refurb'ed iPods are widely available, for very reasonable prices. So it will be a long time before I will "move up" for that unit, and by the time I do, I'm sure there will be entirely new generations of devices to attach these things. (Actually, I'm hoping for prices to come down considerably for the touchscreens, etc., and make an in-dash computer in the next couple of years).