My CD player doesn't seem to recognize any of the CDs I load - they're all fairly standard disks (Carpenter's Christmas album, etc.) but none of the track information displays. Is there a way to enable the CD player to recognize those disks?
The best thing to do is to burn copies of the discs on to a CD-R, most software will download that track info from the internet automatically and burn it onto the new disk (I never know whether to use a c or k so I interchange!) . It's a rare store-bought CD that shows that track info.
CD-Text is a Sony standard, I believe. As such, many CDs produced since the adoption of this standard under the Sony label (especially classical music) have CD-Text. Most others don't have it, which is a damn shame. It's a great feature for classical music in particular, since it's so hard to know which movement of which piece by which composer being played by which orchestra under whose conductorship. (99% of the times anyway.)
Most older CDs (90's and older) don't have CD text since players didn't have text capability back then.
I've never bought a CD that has CD text on it. I usually burn copies to keep in my car and will add CD text. Most burning programs like Nero and Roxio give you the option, and they will automatically figure out what disk you have and add the correct text. Of course now I have MP3 CDs in the player, so it's a moot point.
I like to remember it the following way (if I need to that is). A Hard Disk (the hard 'c' sound, sounds like a 'k'). A CD Disc (the 'c' in CD (cee dee) is a soft sound). I'll get my Koat! :focus: