I just heard on CNN that President Elect Obama is going to nominate Steven Chu to head the Department of Energy. It's been a while since I have seen the DVD, but didn't Steven Chu have something to do with California's decision to back hydrogen fuel cell cars and help seal the coffin on the EV1? Somebody please refresh my memory.
While I don't know if that's the case or not, Chu is the Director of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, a Nobel laureate in Physics, and a strong supporter of basic scientific research that will lead to solutions to our nation's energy problems. Members of the science community are thrilled over his nomination and are encouraged that this may lead to broader support in Congress for funding research. As a Lab Director in a federally funded facility (i.e. Berkeley Lab), I doubt that he would/could have attempted to influence legislation or regulations that pertained only to California.
He is a member of the current IPCC and active with the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He brings solid credentials, critical thinking and an objective perspective. We are fortunate to have him in the Obama cabinet.
I agree wholeheartedly. The majority of the past Secretaries of Energy were merely politicians who had no clue about energy issues, nor science. For instance, Spencer Abraham was a Republican senator from Michigan (I believe) who was appointed by a Republican President after Abraham lost his senate seat. This is not a slur on the republicans because Democrats have also used this position as a way of rewarding party loyalists. At least Obama has picked a person with exceptional scientific credentials and someone with an interest in the issue of energy.
Here's a nice vid of Steven Chu speaking at the National Energy Summit over the Summer: My favorite line, talking about the importance of conservation and energy efficiency was "you can still have it - you just make a better thing." Let me just say that someone has edited that video together. I've not found a video of his complete remarks at the event yet. If anyone has a link, I'd love to see it.