What does a long legged guy do (6'7") who really wants to buy a Prius? Front seat legroom severly restricted, much worse than a Camry, Accord, etc. Solutions and help much appreciated. Thanks, Longlegs
wow. Well I know somebody hear has modified the seat so that it would move back 1 or 2 inches further. Does that help?
I'm 6'2", and find the leg room a little tight, though I've always found 2 door cars to have more driver legroom, probably since they assume the back seat isn't really used much. Getting my knees under the steering wheel is a little tight, even with it up all the way. Of course, I'm still 5 inches shorter... so you should of course try to sit in one. If it doesn't seem workable, this might not be the car for you unfortunately. I find it a little tight, but I don't like to drive big cars because theyre so hard to find parking for in the city and difficult to maneuver. The Accord, Highlander, Escape, or Lexus might be a better fit for you. I LOVE the highlander, but was overruled because of it's "too big to parallel park in 90% of Chicago spaces" factor. Plus I already got 30MPG from my Saturn and really wanted something better (course the Highlander is big as a bus)
uhhh i thought the prius had more legroom than either the camry or the accord. of course i added the legroom together so i can't say how much it is for the front seats only
flareak. If there one thing I've learned, numbers don't tell the whole story. We have an 02 Camry and by far the amount of space I have for my feet is larger than in the Prius. Even the driver's footrest is larger.
At 6'4+" tall I felt I had enough room in an '05 Prius. I get mine on Saturday 4/9/05 - Salsa Red / Package 6 Biggest thing is to DRIVE one.
At 6'4" I moved the seat up one notch to comfortably reach the steering wheel. A lot of my height is in my torso though.
I'm 6'6" (hence the moniker) and fit reasonbly comfortably in the car during my hour plust commute everyday. Headroom and legroom are good for a relatively small car. On another post someone mentioned that the '05's have a more adjustable seat lengthwise.