It's only 10 days until Christmas! WooHooo! This year I don't have anything on my list. It's a sign of getting older (or perhaps just old.) I like Christmas for the season and lights and family, but it's fun to look forward to giving and getting too. Lacking any killer gifts or must-have wants, I'm looking to live vicariously off of you PCers. So tell me, what is it you are really hoping to get for Christmas this year? Tom
In this, our Year of Living Cheaply, we've gone the Secret Santa route (actually, not secret, so it's more like a Designated Santa route). Because I've mostly "gone without" this year, I put some pretty mundane stuff on my Christmas list that in other years I would have bought myself -- like a decent 12v Air Compressor. But no complaints. I think I like this Designated Santa route better.
My daughter asked me just yesterday. I said a clean house and world peace. She said 'don't be silly, Dad'. So then I asked for a new pair of jeans and some nice shirts. Yeah, isn't getting old a riot? I'd tell you the goodies I have stashed away for everyone else, but that would spoil the surprise. I just hope I find everything this year.
I always ask for socks! (I don't seem to get given them that often though - maybe this year will the year of socks...)
I'd like one of those magic watches where time stops when the battery runs out. Barring that I've got any number of books and DVDs on my wish list. Particularly the uber-expensive coffee table art books. I love those things. I've been drooling over for awhile now. And an iPhone. I got to use one for testing my company's product recently and I have to admit it was really quite snazzy. Of course, if all else fails nothing warms the heart like cold hard cash. And chocolate. A Cash-n-Chocolate Christmas!
i'll take having my husband back for a couple of weeks. we haven't done christmas presents for a few years now, with things as tight as they are we feel that a little bit of financial leeway is better than more stuff. i think this year we will just have a nice ham dinner together, like we've done since our situation got so tight. the real celebrations will occur when (if?!) we get jobs that pay in real people money next year...
I usually operate by "needs" rather than "wants" since what I really "want" is financial stability and security. I would love for my house to be paid off but that's probably an unrealistic expectation for a gift.
what i want will not be here in time for Christmas. but hopefully we will be well on our way to it by next Christmas and that is a energy independent country well on its way to developing solar, wind, and EV's. so ok, its a generalized dream, as far as personal stuff, well...winning the lottery would be nice. that way i could quit my job spend my life traveling, but other than that, i pretty much have most of what i need other than a viable EV which is what i REALLY want
All I want for christmas is my VISA paid off... For christmas (birthdays, valentine's day, anniversaries, etc.) we went on a cruise. And booked another one for May. All the "extras" are off the table to fund those. It's okay, we think it's worth it! We did get our grandson a tie dyed shirt, though... just like grandpa's
NUFC change strip with "Jonas" on the back. NUFC to go on a winning streak over the holidays would be really nice. Gotta get away from the relegation zone. A Tartan 5300 would be nice, the Maltese Falcon would be better. Neither will happen. I'll probably get the first. Hopefully a package or two of plain, white athletic socks. A new football would be nice but not an absolute necessity. Ooh, world class talent would be nice too... no, won't get that either. A short vacation to the upper midwest in Janurary would be nice. Perhaps I'll get that one...