I just picked up my '05 Salsa Package #4 tonight 3-31-05! It looks like I own my very own spaceship. I have traveled about 35 miles and have an average mpg of 41mpg. This is great, but I was hoping for a least 46 - 48 mpg. Will my Salsa improve with age after a couple tanks of gas?
5 points for the NooB! OH! 5 more for owning the best color!!! You AND the car will both "break in" over time. The car will slowly (6,000 mi) loosen up, the weather in PA will warm up, and you'll start to become a real Prius driver as you learn all the techniques to maximize your MPG. "Girls only like guys with skills. You know, nunchaku skills, bow hunting skills, Prius driving skills..."
Relax. We're averaging 50 mpg after 1300 miles, but it's not at all unusual to be under 40 mpg for lengthy stretches. Among the mileage killers: short trips, cold weather, hills (until you go down), lead foot driving style, and manic stop-and-go traffic. One of our worst stretches of driving was the first 50 miles, because we climbed about 2000 feet to get home. We didn't realize how sensitive the car is to grades. Listen to your Prius, and it will not disappoint you. "Om"...
Things are looking up! This car is fun to drive. I love the technology! My Salsa is now averaging 45 mpg after 150 miles. We are having torrential rains here with about 40 degree temperatures. The forecast for tomorrow is dropping temperatures and SNOW. What is the worst and best mpg I should expect?
After 8000 miles I average 46.5 MPG. Ironically my first tank, 48, was my best. My worst was 44. I take no extraordinary driving measures and notice that the killer is the short trip. Almost always the first five minutes (warm-up time) is 25 MPG. I also climb 3000' each workday and estimate that costs about 5 MPG per tank.
I've had mine almost a month now, I already have about 3000 miles on it. We just returned from a vacation in the Ozarks area of Arkansas. With all that driving, lots of hills and several days of cool weather, my worst tank is still 46.2 mpg. My best is 49.4. I do have a tank at 300 miles right now that is averaging 50.6. Probably the warmer weather helping out. I drive it like a normal car, though I do think the Prius is beginning to break me of my lead foot when I first take off. I no longer race away from the lights, just kinda hang with traffic. Jeff
Well, as habits go, the lead foot from the light is not so bad in the Prius. Brisk (but not jack-rabbit) acceleration runs the ICE in its more efficient range of RPM. It's okay to accelerate as long as you don't have to brake as a result of it. If you're looking for a habit to work on, get into the habit of anticipating slowdowns, traffic lights, traffic, as far in advance as possible so you can brake lightly or not at all.
Thanks for the advice. I'd say I still have a brisk takeoff. I used to make a big effort to get in front of the pack, which as you said often results in stopping at the next light. I've been having a great time driving this car. The more I drive , the more I like it. Jeff
jeepien- I find that I get my best mileage with slow acceleration because the more assist that I get from the electric motor, the more I have to recharge the battery later. With charging losses and motor ineffficiency coming into play, the overall effect of brisk acceleration is to lower mileage results. If you watch the energy screen and accelerate without assist from the battery, you will improve your mileage. This is less true below 15 mph. I accelerate a little faster than "no arrows" but I try not to use the battery much and I typically run tanks well over 600 miles at averages of 56-60 MPG.