I would like to add the following mods [Video Title] Knight Rider TV Show, Series - Video Clips, Episodes Online – NBC Official Site
Uh, that isn't KITT. That's a cheap imitation. Looks like a Mustang. What happened to the Corvette? BTW You can get a Knightrider light kit for your front grill. There are several out there. A goggle search should bring up a few. Some have gone as far as to modify the inside as well. Of course, if you put the light kit in the front grill, you can forget about grill blocking for the winder months.
well the NEW kit or nightrider movie or series is not the Pontiac Firebird Trans Am anymore i think that this is not a good dissicion edit Pontiac Firebird Trans Am
Okay. Whatever. It sure wasn't a mustang. (sorry to say I always get the corvette and the trans am mixed up, despite the fact my brother owns a trans am.) If they really wanted to remake Knightrider with a super cool sports car...they should be using a Tesla.
Sadly, they would actually have to be available before they could do that. Would be cool tho! I agree, I'm leery of a Mustang as KITT, but we'll see.
Also, if you show blinkie red lights to the front of the vehicle you're very likely to get pulled over. So you'd better install that turbo-boost at the same time, huh? . _H*
i had blue wishy washy leds on my other car years ago... got pulled over... lol... all well... was young and dumb.... definatly want some turbo boost!!!
Same here. The original KITT still looks 'sleek' even by today's standards, you can't beat those pop-up headlights and those actual 'mechancial' gadgets. The Mustang KITT just look bloated....more like Hot-Rod style. Its gadgets/transformations depend too much on the CG....not that it's bad, but less realism compare to the original series.
New Knight Rider FTL - it's like nothing but a big Ford commercial....product placement with a storyline hwell:
Talking about it, why Mustang as new KITT? They should use Ford GT instead....still a 2-door but looks way cooooler! (with KITT light and gadgets)
Great idea! The Ford GT is a really awesome car/supercar. They should have used it as the new KITT instead.