Our company produced the black Prius. Refer to the thread we have just opened. http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-m...-precious-line-sema-debut-vip-auto-salon.html http://priuschat.com/forums/newbie-forum/43964-first-1000-miles.html
Does any one know which co. is responsible for the orange/gold one? Love its wide fenders. Thanks in advance.
orange/gold = Barris Kustom, North Hollywood, CA black = M.i.O +81 precious line, Torrance, CA silver = IDK
hey Maido, any comments on changing to a custom 4-2-1 extractor and lightweight crank pulley? THANKS!
The third Prius (the silver one) looks like it's a PHEV conversion by A123 Systems with a product they call Hymotion.