Hello. We will be purchasing winter tires for our car this year. Can someone advise me as to what type would be the best, and where I could purchase them here in Ontario. I believe our dealer recommended Michelins. Would they be alright or are there better ones?
hello and welcome! I'm running on Nokian WRs which are all-weather tyres that can be run in the summer as well as the winter. (Worked well on the snow storm last Dec along I-5). Other recommendations are the Michelin X-Ice.
There's a new "X-Ice" on the block too, the "X-Ice Xi2". Found them on TireRack.com. They are advertised as low rolling resistance and long lasting. I have been unable to find a good review of these. Zhe Wiz
I'm going into my second winter in Toronto with my 2008. I'm definitely changing my tires. Several times last year I was left with no traction. What's the difference between the Michelin X and Xi2? Also, it sounds as if many people here like the Nokian tires. So, it seems like a choice between these three for me. Any other comments to help the decision? How hard is it to find Nokian tires?
The main challenge in winter driving here is hard packed snow and ice on side streets. I use Nokian RSI winter tires (185/65-15) on steel rims (see photo), and am very satisfied with them. I believe that any winter tire will be a big improvement over the OE Integrity all-seasons.
Tirerack.com has a recommended tire, any comments about the tires? Sorry, I'm a noobie and cannot put the webite in.
Last winter I had *used* Bridgestone Blizzak ws50 on steel wheels and they were pretty good. This winter I've ordered Continental ContiVikingContact 3 studless snow tires from Tiretrends.ca that I've just received today :thumb:. I'll be running them on my 15" OEM wheels. I saw many reviews where they were top rated. www.autoreview.ru www.internet-koleso.ru I'll let you know more about the tires when :smow: gets here.
I mounted the RSi's on my friend's car. They're very quiet and smooth compared to the WR but then again they're a softer compound than the WR.
I just went to order a set of Nokian Hakkapeliitta R for my Prius. Apparently it is a new tire model for this year, low rolling resistance, great in snow, ice, wet roads. I have used Nokian tires for a number or years now on two new beetles and a RAV4, the tires on the RAV ran for 50,000 miles and still had appreciable tread on them. The Hakka snows on the beetle turned it into a little snow machine. I stand with my Nokians as being the best thing. I used to buy Michelins but they seemed to be getting too pricey. The Nokians are great traction in any kind of wet road situations. That's my two cents on my experience with this tire brand. Thanks
Yup lol. So much so that the 2006+ TRAC works differently from the 04-05 version. The old version kills all power (not good). The new one that you have allows some slip (better than nothing) but still not as smooth as the traction control on other Toyota vehicles.
If you're allowed to use studded tires, the factory studded Nokian Hakkapeliitta 5 is probably the best winter tire in the world. Otherwise, at Canadian Tire, the Goodyear Nordic is very good studded, though very noisy on dry pavement. This is the same tire as the Goodyear Ultra Grip 500 sold in Europe, which is a well respected "modern" studded winter tire By "modern" I mean a soft tread compound, directional tread, etc. You can read up on the tire here Goodyear Eur-Winter Tire-UltraGrip 500 If you click on Profile, a flash movie loads that explains the tire construction and benefits. Note the stud system is the factory studded EU version, not the studs we use here in Manitoba Another good choice at Canadian Tire is the General Altimax Arctic when studded. Say what you want about studless tires, I've tried both the Dunlop Graspic DS-2 and Yokohama Ice Guard 10 on my Prius. The studded Goodyear Nordic beats them hands down on glare ice As a matter of fact, my FJ runs studless Toyo Open Country G-02 Plus in winter. On glare ice, my Prius has the advantage. I'm through wasting my money on "studless" winter tires. I've pre-ordered factory studded Nokian Hakkapeliitta 5 SUV for my FJ A word about those tire tests, say at Tire Rack. They've never tested a factory studded tire like the Hakkapeliitta 5. The only time they tested a studdable tire was a Winterforce one, tread design looks like something straight from the early 1970's
I bought the Michelin X-Ice X-i2 tires for our 2008 Prius in December 2008. No complaints at all. Great traction in Toronto & Southern Ontario, never got stuck, quiet ride. I had to buy some 15" steel rims, as my car came with the 16" alloys, and I ignored the low pressure tire warning indicator on my dash as I did not bother to put the sensors on the winter wheels. I check my tire pressure often. I bought my Michelin's at the Toyota dealer for $115/per tire when Costco was selling for $148/tire. I'm quite happy with them and would recommend them.