I understand the circumstances under which, per the manual, I am going to get a long beep on my 05 when I try and lock, for instance, via touching the hatch. What I do not understand is that if I immediately lock via the fob (which is in my pocket) I get the appropriate short beep and the vehicle is, in fact, locked. Any ideas as to what is happening? Thanks. Ted
I'm not sure about the question either. From what the OP stated, I'd say "what is happening" is that the car is being locked, just as it should. Tom
One long beep after leaving the car and pressing the "key lock" button indicates a door is still open. A short beep means everything is closed and locked.
I admit I was not clear. On some (but not all) occasions when I attempt to lock my car by touching the black button on the hatch I get a long beep. If I immediately follow that by touching the lock portion of the fob in my pocket, and do nothing else, the car then locks as usual. I hope that is clearer.
Oh ok. The black button on the hatch does not lock the car; its there simply to open the hatch. The black button that is on the driver's door handle, that DOES lock the car. However, it will only lock if you have the SKS system on....the way to tell that, is that, if you walk up to your car, and you touch the drivers side handle, does the car unlock? If yes, SKS is on; if no, its off. You need to practically slam the hatch down before you lock. Then use the keyfob lock.
Hi Ted, One reason for the long beep is if the hatch or a door is ajar. However if you are successful locking the car using the fob button then that is not an issue. Perhaps your fob battery is marginal, and if you replace it then you may notice fewer occurrences of unwarranted long beeps. Hi Toxicity, The small black square button on the hatch performs the same lock function as the similar buttons located on the front door handles.
Oh right, I recall the hatch black button. I never use it, so I must have forgotten about it. Thanks Patrick!
Another reason for the long beep is that a fob is being detected as inside the car. Do you know where your other fob is? I believe there is one other reason for the long beep when locking using the black sks button, but, I don't recall what it is.
Harry: That one I do know. The spare fob remains in my home. Thanks to all for the responses. I am beginning to think that it may have to do with the fob battery as I thought it was going dead a short while ago and mysteriously revived itself. It is three years old. Ted
I've started getting a long beep from pushing the black button on driver's door around once a week. I think its when my wife has just closed the passenger door and she is still really close to the window with her fob when I try to lock. Guess we're going places together a lot lately