I have a hunch this isn't unique to Prii, but my 2002 Prius has not had a decent wiper blade yet. Within the last two years it is had three new one snd each time they leave the windshield streaky. It is much worse in Winter, even with Winter blades. Does anyone know if any blades are better than others? Peace. Jim
I've been using Bosch ICON blades for the last 1 1/2 years (never been replaced) AND (don't laugh) RAIN-X Windshield Treatment. The ICONs have a built in airfoil to force the blade against the windshield, and the RAIN-X reduces/eliminates streaking.
I'm using the original wiper for the past 8 years in summer (I do change the insert with oem parts every year before summer start) and Bosch ICON blade for the past 2 years in winter and they both are great.
Thanks, guys. I will try them immediately. It is interesting that they don't have the "whiffle-tree" construction so i won't need to spend the extra for "Winter" blades. Amazon has a good price, too.
Ditto for Bosch Icons, but I currently am trying the Rain-X Latitudes and have been pretty happy so far. I would guess the Icons probably are a tad better given both tend to be in the same price range if you shop around. I also use Rain-X treatment and cleaner and find it helps with streaking, fogging, etc. I hate a dirty window/windshield, hence the anal-retentive tendencies.
I wanted to jump in and highly recommend Bosch ICON blades, but I guess that is not too original at this point. They really are great.
OK, here's a question for you Bosch Icon users: What is it about them that you like so much as compared to other aftermarket blades? Based on recommendations in similar PC threads, I replaced my OEM blades with Icons a few months ago. I hesitated a bit because of the price, though. They wipe nicely, but so did the OEMs before they started wearing out. Do they last longer? Do they do better in winter weather (which mine haven't seen yet)? Now that I've paid the higher price, I'm wondering what the fuss is about.
I am halfway through my second winter with the icon blades.... The reason I like them are as follows: 1. Year two (winter and summer use) still wipe clean. No streaking or squeeking. 2. The blade continues to match the contour of the window. Not just where the wiper support structure (on the older style blades) apply pressure. 3. The blade has no grid structure to hold it in place, so it does not accumulate winter ice and snow. 4. The blade is also very aerodynamic. The airflow applies downward pressure to the blade instead of trying to lift it off the window.
I went with them in the summer when my Prius was only a couple of months old. The OEM blades just didn't hack it - not enough downward pressure to do a good job (even with Rain-X). The airfoil design of the Icon attracted me. Also the structureless design appealed to me for winter use as traditional "winter" blades always end up with moisture under the boot and end up freezing internally. So far (about 60K miles) the Icon's (with the help of Rain-X windshield treatment) still do a great job. I don't know about other "premium" blades, I just know that this combo works great for us (in snowy Western NY).
I'm resurrecting a very old thread, but I could not find a newer discussion that is specific to Gen 1. I was just wondering if anyone has new recommendations for replacement wiper blades, or are Bosch Icons still the way to go? Like the original poster way back in 2008 (!), I'm not sure I've ever had decent wiper blades on my 2001 Prius; it's just become more noticeable to me how poorly they function after a series of car rentals. Appreciate any updates on the Icons or any other recommendations.
I've been using Anco beam-style blades for a while (I think at least a year?) and they seem to be holding up well. They're still silent and make good contact with the windshield, and I haven't noticed streaking. Granted, I don't drive very much. If you're looking for something comparable but cheaper than Icons those or another cheaper beam-style product would probably do just fine. Lots of options on rockauto.com.
Thanks very much for the prompt reply and additional information. good to know that there are multiple compatible options. I am admittedly not much of a car geek, and am embarrassed to admit that it did not occur to me until recently that a different brand or style of wipers might improve my visibility. I appreciate the first-hand experience shared on this forum. I have learned a lot by lurking here over the past few years. Thank you!
(bump) I also use the Anco blades, until the rubber dries out (!). I'm also a big fan of Rain-X on the windscreen, once a month or 6 weeks, particularly in winter (apply when there's a thaw). Makes snow/ice removal VERY easy.