Hey guys. The last two mornings I've noticed when starting the car and putting it into drive its been making this noise while still stopped. It's been 10 degrees C (50 F) in the garage but about -5 C (23 F) out side. The noise is only when stopped and I can feel the brake pedal vibrate as well. I try to get the car to move when it does this so it's not doing this for any length of time. Anyone know what it is? It's only doing this is D, no other time. The car is a 06, with almost 90,000kms on it (55,923 miles) Thanks guys.
Best way to describe it would be a low rattle/grumble. Can't think of a better way to describe it, sorry.
Let me suggest a couple of tests: 1) apply parking brake - shift between "R" and "N" and "D" and "B" 2) hold with foot brake - shift between "R" and "N" and "D" and "B" This isolates the vehicle braking system from the mechanically simpler parking brake system. It also lets us map the noise to each transaxle shifter selection. Bob Wilson
Thanks Bob I just tried what you suggested. It only does it with my foot on the brake in D and B modes. I also noticed it's doing it about 2 seconds after going into gear.
Are you sure it's not the brake accumulator pump? That makes a rattling, grumbling sound, and often occurs when you press the brake. Tom
It could be, just never noticed it till now. It's only doing it when the car is stopped, not when it's stopping.
Are you sure, or could it be that you only hear it when stopped? The easiest way to check the brake accumulator noise is to repeatedly press the brake pedal. About every third time you will get the rattling sound from down behind the driver's foot well. The sound should only run for a few seconds. On the other hand, a pressure leak in the brake system can make it run longer or more often. Tom
Tom, I think your refering to the clicking sound then. This is not that sound. This always running, only when you first start the car and when you are stopped. I know what sound your refering to. Thanks for all the input
sounds like the brake accumulator pump.. mine does it just about all the time. some complain about it.. others just live with it. i noticed it really early on.. i'm now at 107k miles with no ill effect... although i did get a brake fail alarm on a long distance trip... but i'll save that for another topic..
Off hand, this suggests it is some sort of brake system noise. Since it has shown up in 'cold weather,' I would probably start by: checking fluid levels checking fluid quality - Doug has mentioned many shops have the ability to test for dissolved water in the fluid having third party locate sound - with the wheels blocked, open the hood and repeating the test, see if the exact source can be located (maybe at a brake shop?) check front and rear brake areas - look for evidence of leaks or abnormal rust patterns back-up adjustment - try a series of reverse and hard brake actions to 'tighten up' the rear brake shoes. Then repeat your 'noise test.' Your testing points to the brake system and pretty much rules out transaxle or engine issues. The best thing is it sounds reproducible so it should be easily resolved. GOOD LUCK! Bob Wilson
Thanks, I'll do these tests tomorrow on the car and see what happens. I noticed later on last night, the sound seems to be coming from the front, more like it's coming from just infront of the firewall. I'll do these tests tomorrow and see what happens. Thanks again.
Well, so much for the best part Bob. Today it's been fine. And I even left it outside at work rather then putting it in so it would be in the cold so I could check it out. Levels are fine...I'll keep you posted if I hear anything else. Thanks for the help.
If I may offer a tidbit: I've noticed the same phenomenon but I don't think it is brake related. On a few occasions when it's cold and the engine first starts, while the car is still in park and the engine is idling, the engine idles very roughly. That is, I feel occasional bumps and shakes just like it has a bad ignition miss - although it never throws any codes. Other days it seems to idle very smoothly at first startup. I also notice very low level 'grumbling' sound that occurs only in park, neutral, and reverse. As soon as I put it in drive, the grumbling sound goes away. If I put it back in neutral or park, the grumbling sound comes back. Again, this only happens once in awhile.... I'd say 10% of the cold starts in the morning.
This sounds almost the same kind of sound, and seems to be only when it's cold out. My car also has the rough idol when cold, but once it warms up it's smooth. Also these only seem to be when it's cold out. The car is going to hit 90,000kms (56,000 miles) today on my way home....so it's not like it hasn't been used.
mine does the same thing..i was curious about it and have not been able to find much more out about it ill have to see if my car does this tonight adn see if i cant get some audio/video of it
I doubt it highly.. but not sure. From inside the vehicle, it sounds like the noise is coming from the right (passenger) side.