Last night I was changing the oil on Prius #2 when I discovered that my filter wrench didn't fit. It was odd, but not totally unexpected since the Mrs. was out of town for the last change and had to take it to a mechanic. So after about a half hour of cursing I finally get the thing off, and it's HUGE! (I guess it's really "normal", but both wider and taller than the real Prius filter.) It was a Toyota OEM, but part number YZZD1 which is used on things like the V6 Camry and Tacoma. I'm amazed at two things: 1) there was enough space (barely) next to the oil pan for the filter and 2) the larger diameter o-ring had a seating surface of sufficient size to do its work. No harm done I don't think, as it can't hurt to have a little more filtration capacity. Has anyone else used this filter, either accidentally or on purpose? I can't decide if this is a useful discovery or a narrow escape. Seems like every time that car is touched by someone other than myself, something stupid happens. Note that what I found was NOT the taller YZZF1 filter of the normal diameter that some people here have used on the Prius.
Interesting, perhaps they were out of stock of the correct oil filter and knew this one would work?????
You should ask your wife if she wants to undergo a hypnotic regression. This may be a sign of an alien abduction!
I compared the HiHy oil filter with the Prius oil filter and am surprised that you did not have an oil leak. I suppose the machined flange on the Prius engine block was wide enough to prevent that issue. Regardless, I don't recommend deliberately installing a larger-diameter filter.
Wait, someone was out of town and so someone else was forced to take it to a shop for an oil change? Why not just wait a day or a week, or whatever?
richard - Visiting our family involves a 900mi drive each way. She went without me that time, so she was out of town with her car when it came due for oil change. It seemed reasonable to have her take it to that particular independent mechanic for a simple oil change since he has serviced her mother's car for ages (albeit not a Toyota) without screwing anything up as far as I know. Patrick - I think you are probably right that it is not a good idea to repeat this. When I felt around the big filter in-place, it was clear that the gasket was right at the edge of the seating surface. Amazingly the engine didn't lose any oil at all, even if only by dumb luck.
Aw go ahead and repeat it. The machined surface on the engine block is plenty wide enough for that filter. I've used Mobil 1 oil filter size M1-209 since day 1 and never a problem. Wayne
By cross referencing the oil filter for prior years, I find many filters that will fit the Prius, 2001-2009. Mobil 1 - M1103 K&N - HP1003 Purolator Pure One - PL14476 Purolator - L14476 Fram Double Guard - DG4967 Fram High Mileage - HM4967 Fram Extra Guard - PH4967 Fram Tough Guard - TG4967 Advance Auto Totalgrip - AA4967 AC/Delco - PF1233 Bosch Premium - 3311 The YZZD1 filter notes from a Toyota dealer website shows: "Notes: Fits Toyota Engines V6, select 4 cylinders, and all 4 cylinder turbos. Engines included: 1MZFE 22R 22RE 2JZ#2TZFE 2TZFZE 3VZFE 3SGTE 3RZFE 3VZE 5VZFE" Looks like an increase capacity filter. Chevy & Ford have larger filters for truck applications than the same engine in a car application.