I have a couple of used smart key fobs purchased off of Ebay. I also have access to an official Toyota handheld scanner with version 13.4A software dated 7/16/06. The Smartkeys have silver logos, and the following markings under the first battery cover. MDL 831EG FCC ID M0ZB31EG IC: 2584A-B31EG Tokai Rika Co. Ltd Car is 2004 Prius, but I've also tried it on an 2006 as well. All smartkeys program fine for the immobilization system, i.e. they will allow the car to start if inserted into the dash. When I try the smart key wireless registration, everything goes fine with the 'master' key, i.e. the scanner hears the master when asked to press unlock but when I try to get the car to learn the "new" (ebay) fob in all cases it does not register yet the key icon flashes on the dash of the car so I know the fob is transmitting something. (I've even installed new batteries into the fobs, makes no difference). I've read the TSB EL008-04 (Revised, dated June 29, 2004) and have turned off the scanner backlight, put scanner on the passenger seat, and taken all cellphones out of the car. Basically everything works as stated in the TSB up until the top of page 9, then the process doesn't complete. I've tried different FOBS, different cars, always the same result. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Why can't a used FOB be learned by the Prius? How does the FOB know it was programmed to a car previously? Can the fob itself be reset to new/virgin status? Any dealer techs out there have any advice as to how to make this process work with a used FOB?
There is a counter in the keyfob that increments each time it is used. The security computer in the car tracks that counter, and will not accept any counter value less than the last one it saw. I think that the security computer is designed to only accept new fobs with a very low counter value, such as would be found with a new one. Once that counter exceeds some maximum value, it is just not going to work. It may be acceptable to use an old (high counter value) fob if you do an immobilizer reset, like is done if all keys are lost. I've suggested it a number of times, but nobody has ever reported any results.
(from experience on our 2004) It could be either the fob OR the ECU. We had 4 silver logo fobs & two (from ebay) wouldn't reprogram. Once the ECU was replaced (under warranty thank God), then one WOULD reprogram but the other wouldn't.
The immobilizer system already accepts the ebay key. Perhaps the smart key ECU would have to be reset? I cannot reset either ecu because I don't have access to the TIS network to get the seed number password. I only have access to the scan tool.
What about the fob itself? Anyone got any ideas on how to reset the counter aka "virginize" the smart key fob?
I'm pretty sure that the ECU can keep track of separate fobs, up to 4 (or 5?). So the car knows the difference between two different fobs.
Well, I tried a virgin FOB from the dealer using procedure above and my scanner was able to program the new FOB to work perfectly on the first try. Note, I programmed the wireless feature first then the immobilzer feature (you are supposed to do immobilzer first then wireless but I guess it doesn't matter) Anyway, it would be nice if someone could figure out how to reset the counter in used "ebay" FOBS. Has anyone poked around inside their FOB?
I can't get my fob open. I think it needs battery change. Some one said remove mech. key and slide apart. Mine must be welded Help
battery replacement is easy. Press tab and remove hard key. Press tab again and remove thin battery door cover (logo piece) by sliding it up. Then use small screwdriver to remove battery door and replace battery available from any drugstore or radio shack
Went to ask my local dealer yesterday if he's ever done an immobilizer reset, and he seemed nearly clueless. Does anybody know of a dealer in the Chicagoland (or Detroit) area who actually knows what he's doing when it comes to this kind of stuff? Thanks peftus
try contacing Autobeyours in Indiana. If they are too far away, they might know someone closer who can help. Autobeyours Scottsburg, Indiana 812-820-5050
Has anyone tried using one of the "Toyota smart key programmer" key makers sold on ebay? It looks like it connects to the OBD connector and claims it can program keys.
I think their claim is that it is a smart "key programmer", as opposed to a programmer of smart keys... The most that I would expect it to do is to program the transponder (key in dash) function. The only way to program the SKS/buttons is to use a scan tool with the Toyota specific functions (and a new, never programmed keyfob!).
Forgive me for bumping a necro'd thread, but we've noticed a significant amount of misinformation surrounding the Smart Key and we want to get more information out to the community For the 2nd generation Prius (we have yet to have to do this for 3rd gen Prius), the smart key programming process breaks down as outlined above frequently with eBay keys. Here's why: The immobilizer ECU does not care whether the fob has been registered to another vehicle, therefore with Techstream you are able to pair the eBay fob to the immobilizer ECU with very few complications. As a result, your key will work in the dash to start the vehicle, but the "clicker" portion won't work and the smart functionalities won't work either. In order for your smart key to be smart, you must register it to the smart key ECU, which is (understandably) much more secure of a procedure to prevent theft. The fob stores a vehicle id (VID) that cannot be erased. From the factory, the brand new key has NO VID stored. From eBay, the used key has ANOTHER CAR'S VID stored. The smart key ECU on your Prius expects to see the VID match between itself and the fob when communicating. If the VID doesn't match, smart function does not work Therefore, you must supplant the VID on the used fob in order to make it work. As I mentioned already, there is no procedure available to simply erase the used key VID and then assign your current VID to the key. We have developed a procedure to make this work, but it is NOT Toyota approved or published. Therefore, if you're in Berkeley, we can do this for you. Of course, first check out our website for more information on costs (including this discussion in detail) http://www.artsautomotive.com What you have to do is generate a BRAND NEW VID for both your Prius's smart key ECU and all key fobs to be programmed. This VID requires a security professionals subscription to TIS, a seed fee, the Techstream scanner, and the know-how. Therefore, you must be a registered LOCKSMITH both federally and state-registered, which often precludes do-it-yourselfers from this procedure Thanks for reading. Please spread the word. Ebay keys are NOT going to save you money, unless you ONLY want it to work in the dashboard. Christian Parts Manager Systems Administrator Art's Automotive in Berkeley, CA http://www.artsautomotive.com