Got it! Picked it up from the delivery man VERY late, and it was very grubby from the trip (though pristine inside, still covered in plastic!) Most obsessive compulsive move to date in my lifetime - washing my car at midnight so it would look pretty to show off in the morning (yeah, three hours of sleep). Short moment of buyer's remorse at bedtime (I do so love my Volvo - little red turbo box.) The lesson Prius has taught me today is that I am an idiot. Normal people don't grin and giggle while driving.....alone. Normal people don't coax their cars away from a stop sign saying "Easy....eeeeaasy" while staring at an LCD screen (and the guy behind them flapping his hands and probably screaming "AAAAAHHHHH, JUST GO!!". Normal people don't say "Yeah, it's a Prius" to EVERY CAR that drives by (oh yeah, they're looking at me.) Normal people don't ease through a parking garage with the windows down and the radio off just enjoying the absolute silence. Normal people don't take their personal trainer for a parking lot test drive (hey, he wanted to see it!) If everyone drove one, instant world peace. Okay, maybe that's optimistic, but I'm going to have a good day.
Oh my god. I did the same thing. My trainer was the second person in my car because he wanted to see it. So, ... Am I not normal? Is that what you are trying to say?
Hedwig, Congratulations on getting your baby! I got a good laugh out of your post only because it rings so true - that could be me. Enjoy! :lol:
I don't know what you guys are talking about. I'm not weird like way....just... ah, don't touch my "Priuscious", not the "Priuscious". Golum needs his "Priuscious" doesn't he, won't let bad spousouses take away his "Priuscious" will he! No..... Ok, maybe just a touch weird about this car...;-)
You guys have not figured it out yet... Just buy your spouses their own preciouses. Then there are no issues of who gets to drive it, touch it, drool over it... We went to get me a new car (after a semi totaled my old college one) & my hubby loved it so much he got on the list too. :angel:
Even if they have their own, they're STILL going to want to drive yours. Nature of the beast. So you just sit there in the passenger seat while someone else is driving your car with the gas/brake/gas/brake/gas/brake technique. Honestly, I was more uncomfortable than the Dixie Chicks at a Bush family barbeque....
What's with the personal trainers? I can understand getting an orientation on how to use all those machines at the gym, including How much weight? and How many reps? and How fast at what speed? on the cardio stuff. But after that...???
Depends on who you are - some people wouldn't need it. I'm basically paying someone to be a cheerleader and push me to do more than I would otherwise. Alone, I get on the machine, do six reps and say okay, that's enough. It's working, though - definitely stronger than I've ever been.