Having problems with smartkey. Searched the forums and really didn't find any answers. Smartkey does not work. Proximity seems to be not working. Keyfob(s) has a good battery and both fobs are workings (locking and unlocking). Button under dash is on. I turned off and on several times. I just recently got a DECT 6.0 cordless phone system so I drove it down the street away from the house and tried the normal fixes to no avail. I am taking it in for service in a couple of days but thought I would check here since I have read some good advice from this group over the first six months of ownership.
Welcome to the site. Did the SKS ever work? Does it work when parked in other places? There are some places where there just isn't enough signal. For example, when parked near one building at a dealer's lot there is no signal but park at the other end of the lot and there's no problem.
Thanks for the quick response. Yes, SKS has worked fine since day one(6 mos). It has always worked in the garage. Since I got the new phone system a couple of days ago I thought there might be some interference. That is why I drove it down the street to a location it has worked in the past. I could not get it to function there either. Neither my fob nor my wifes fob is currently working the SKS. Didn't know if there was a reset function since I assume the button under the dash is just and on/off button.
Check and make sure the SmartKey push-switch is "out". Sometime people get mixed up which is on and off. Out is on. Make sure a smartkey fob is not inserted in key slot. If that doesn't work, pull and replace after 1 Min circuit fuse #7 under the dash, drivers side.
Thanks JimN and 9G. I am not sure which suggestion worked but I went through all the processes a couple of times and one of them worked.
Mine started acting funny about the time I needed to replace the 12V battery. after it was replaced all the doors work with the smart key BUT the drivers door. I have to walk around to the passanger side and it unlocks but keeps beeping until i reach in from there and unlock the drivers door from inside. I thought I had a bad door actuator so I replaced that.......... same problem. the drivers door locks and unlocks from inside but not with the smart key from outside (I have done the fonzy thing with a good wack it works sometimes) any ideas?