I noticed something with my 05 that is a bit different. Namely the seat allows me to move back a full 2 notches back further than my wife's 04. At first I thought it was my imagination but I went from hers to mine and pushed the seat back as far as it would go and mine moves back a couple of inches further. This is great, I found (I'm 6-1) that I was just a tad too close to the pedals in my wife's car and I fit perfect in the 05. Anyone else notice this?
That would be fine except that at 6'4", I use the next to the last notch in my 04. If I moved it any further back I would need arm extensions. I just had surgery last week to repair a broken wrist. I should have looked into it then.
I'm so reluctant to go and move my seat around just so somebody can post that they April Fooled me. But since I have one of the last 04s, and I have noticed I have some 05 features (like the Energy/Consumption toggle with the Info switch on the wheel) and a pretty recent Nav version, I will look at the seat and tell you how tall I feel. But I don't have another Prius around to compare with. Possibly an icebreaker for the next local Prius gathering...
A couple of points, 1. No this isn't a April fool's day joke. 2. I was a little concerned when I ordered my 05 ( I had an 03) because the seat in my wife's 04 didn't seem to go back far enough to be truely comfortable. I really don't think it is my imagination because after driving mine I got into my wife's 04 and tried to get the seat back further and I couldn't. Mine appears to go back further, like I said in the orginal post, a couple of inches further back.