Today's NY Times has an article that examines US purchases of cars, mostly through the prism of politics. The on-line edition of the Times features a picture of a Seaside Pearl Prius with the caption: "GREEN AND BLUE The Toyota Prius appeals mostly to Democrats." The article is titled, "Your Car: Politics on Wheels." It's a pretty interesting article. The paragraph in the article that probably would interest this forum the most is: "The blue-staters, not surprisingly, are a lot more likely to put hybrid cars on their list: buyers of the Toyota Prius hybrid were Democrats by a 35 to 22 percent. Democrats in general are more fond of smaller cars (the Ford Escort and Dodge Neon both skewed blue by about 34 to 20), although energy efficiency is hardly the only reason. Besides having fewer children, Democrats tend to be younger, less affluent and more likely to live in cities where small cars are easier to park." You can view the entire article at: though the NYT's site does require registration to view their articles. FWIW, I'm just passing along the info, and not in any way trying to stir up a political discussion on this forum. Enjoy. Tom
Howdy, I find it very interesting that almost everyone assumes that I am of a certain, extremely left leaning political persuasion. In fact, I think that sometimes people avoid taking about the Prius because they think I am going to launch into some sort of environmental diatribe. Last year, I was amazed by how many people assumed that I was a Kerry supporter because of the car I drove. Actually, I can’t tell the difference from one politician or another... And, I do not respect or support any of them! Hmmm, maybe I could work up a good rant after all… I’m actually a 54 year old guy who appreciates an automobile that is both efficient and interesting. I don’t baby or obsess over my car although it’s OK with me if you want to pamper yours. And, as with most people, it is impossible to sum me up in a sound bite or two. Unfortunately, many people want to go through life with the “Cliff Notes†in their back pocket. For me, life is much to rich to simply rush to the end, reading all of the books by their covers…
For my part, owning a Prius means that the people I work with in other parts of the country rethink their assumption that I have a giant "W" sticker on my car just because I am a proud Texan. My local coworkers - R partiers most of them - just think it's a cool car but keep driving down my mileage by wanting to take it on relatively short drives to lunch. Hey, I know something we can all agree on - Tom DeLay must go! These days, even that doesn't identify me with one party or another. I remain an enigma, and the only adornment on my car is my kids' T-Rex doll, which in addition to just being cute, I also find a bit ironic - fossil fuel and all that. Now I just need to get a picture of it for my avatar.