Quick question I'm sure some of you have thought about. Does anyone know how long the battery will last in the FOB for SKS? Better yet, has anyone actually replaced their FOB battery? I wonder what type of a battery it takes. Would hate to take it into Toyota and have them charge me 50 dollars to replace a 4 dollar battery . L8r, Bit
No idea how long it last but the part# is CR2032 which should be availabe at any Walmart. I believe it is a lithium battery so it should have a good life cycle.
CR2032 is one of the most common small batteries. It can be bought just about anywhere. I buy them in bulk on the web for my sparkley jewelry. I've also seen them at Fry's and most other battery racks. Lisa
Hi All, Just to be safe, I keep a new one in the package in my wallet along with a screwdriver that will also work to tighten my eyeglass frames. Yup, they are cheap to buy, easy to replace (I took mine out the first nite I had my car just to check) and should last a heck of a long time. Oh, and they also sell them at Target in the electronics department cheap. Don't go to the W place (boo, hiss), they're evil :evil: . Take care, Tisza
CR 2032, Just ordered 2 on Ebay for .99, free shipping in 3 days. The charge left was still 3 V, but that is right at the rated level, I like to replace them sooner. They will still work but will be sluggish. Don’t buy them at the dealer, they will charge $5.00 or more. Mine lasted 14 months, I use it alot